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Barcelona Holiday Guide

Barcelona Holiday Guide
Barcelona Holiday Guide

You can enjoy great deals for holiday packages in Barcelona but you should plan your weekend in Barcelona before you book. Barcelona is the second biggest city of Spain in terms of populace and size. It is also the Catalonia capital. Barcelona has a varied geography along with glorious history, culture and traditions.

A Barcelona city break offers the tourists a chance to see and experience the city of Barcelona from close quarters. The visitors get discounted Barcelona holidays by way of cheap airline tickets, affordable and comfortable accommodations at good hotels. Most of the hotels in Barcelona are conveniently located in the city centre with easy accessibility to different tourist attractions. This short city break has something to offer to everyone looking for excitement, exhilaration, sightseeing, shopping and the ultimate Spanish experience.

Barcelona is excellent in the daytime with the wonderful beaches surrounding this city, in addition to the amazing museums, galleries, shopping and parks. There is simply plenty to do in the daytime, particularly on a pleasant day. There is also though plenty to do in the evenings in Barcelona and we discuss some ideas below.

You can visit Tibidabo Amusement Park first if you like to start the Barcelona tour with great entertainment and thrill. After spending some quality time at the Tibidabo Amusement Park, you can head straight to Barcelona Aquarium. Remember that this is the biggest aquarium in the whole of Europe and there is lots of interaction offered in this aquarium. There are lots of restaurants and shops inside the aquarium too.

La Sagrada Familia - This is a must see attraction for the cultural fanatic and is the biggest Gaudi attraction in the city. La Sagrada Familia was one of Gaudi's last projects and is a symbol of Barcelona's unique culture and architectural styles. The cathedral has eighteen bell towers, three facades and several carved columns and are sure to be of interest to history enthusiasts as well. Construction on the cathedral first began in 1883 and went on till 1926, the year of Gaudi's death. However, the project was never completed and the cathedral still stands as a testament to this, featuring as one of the city's top tourist attractions and offering visitor's great views of the city.

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