subject: 7 Secrets You Must Know Before You Go On Any Diet [print this page] 7 Secrets You Must Know Before You Go On Any Diet
There comes a time in most people's lives when they reach for a diet book, and there are always plenty of choices. So it's important you know which diet is going to be right for YOU.
If you can't live with a particular diet for any reason, it's best to know this before you start, or disappointment is inevitable. So I've put together 7 dieting success secrets you must know before you get started:
1. You have to be able to have a life around your diet. I imagine that anyone with a serious food allergy must have a heck of a time eating out anyplace, and when you're on a diet it can get like this as well, only with less immediate consequences.
If you hate the food your diet demands, if you're making life miserable for everyone around you, it's going to be difficult to stay on track. This is where you can get stuck on a rollercoaster of dieting and feasting. Make sure you enjoy your life even when you're on a diet.
2. Don't try and lose too much weight too fast. I know it seems like the kilos aren't coming off fast enough, but losing too much weight too fast can be dangerous to your health. If you lose 1kg in a week, or even less, celebrate it as a real achievement.
And avoid diets which claim that you can safely lose a lot of weight quickly. Either you'll have to take in dangerously low amounts of calories to achieve the goals, or the claims are just inflated anyway. Celebrate losing even the smallest amount of weight!
3. Eat lots of different foods. Don't try and stick to a few kinds of foods - this will bore you very quickly and seriously test your resolve to stay on your diet. And don't eliminate foods altogether - you need a balanced diet to get your nutritional needs, vitamins and minerals. Remember, the body does need some fat, and it does need some sugar, in moderation.
4. Get moving! Don't rely only on a diet to get you to your weight loss goals - combine it with some kind ofexercise. You'll lose weight faster, you'll have more energy and you'll get fit as well. Join a fitness centre, even just walking for 20mins after dinner will help.
5. Allow for moments of weakness. Hey, we're only human - mistakes are going to be made. It's great to tell yourself that you're going to get to your goal weight without slipping up, just don't beat yourself up when it happens. Give yourself permission to make a mistake, learn the lesson and get right back on the horse!
6. Consult your doctor. Sure, every diet book seems to have half the doctors in the world singing it's praises - but they aren't YOUR doctor, and they don't know your needs and the way your body works.
Besides, your doctor will often know of diets you should avoid, and diets which have worked well for other people. Surround yourself with experts and use their knowledge.
7. Celebrate your victories! Rewards tell us that we've done something right - and if we keep doing it, we'll get more rewards. This is an ideal way to get motivated - once you hit a goal, have a drink, go out, maybe even a slice of cake? Then, right back into it the next day. But if you hit a goal and ignore the fact, you're conditioning yourself not to expect rewards, and motivation dries up. Go out and have a piece of apple pie!
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