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Guide To Picking Up Women

Guide To Picking Up Women
Guide To Picking Up Women

Success in picking up women isn't brought about by mouthing cheesy pick up lines to every attractive woman you meet. Pick up lines are applicable only in the movies. Picking up the woman you are attracted to begins not with anybody or anything else but with you and your confidence in yourself. The secret is inside of you. The question is how hard will you go to get that confidence out. Your belief that you are good enough for a woman can make all the difference between rejection and acceptance. So work up that confidence before you even think of approaching a woman. To help you start out on the right foot, keep in mind the following guide to picking up women.

What better place to pick up women than in a club or a bar. Picking up women in a bar or club is almost a culture of its own so you will probably more successful with it than say picking up women at a subway station. Before you hit the clubs though, make sure that you are dressed and groomed for the occasion. Always remember the saying that goes: "A well-dressed man is an attractive man." If you are not so sure with what you are wearing, it is always a good idea to seek the advice of an honest female friend. Ask her if you look alright, if you look sexy or if you need to change outfits.

Once inside the bar, you can then start working with your magic. The most effective way of getting a woman's attention is by having eye contact with her and holding her gaze for a few seconds. Keep doing this for a few times. If she keeps returning the favor, that means she is interested as well. Only then can you make your move by approaching her. And don't approach her by just marching towards her. There's a right way of approaching and that is by slowly making yourself towards her all the while smiling and holding her gaze.

How you talk to her and how you keep the conversation going is now all up to you since you are in control of your moves now. Once piece of advice though is that you must learn to go with the flow. As much as possible, keep the conversation as positive as possible. Stay away from contradicting her or correcting something she said. If you can give a complement to everything she says, then by all means do it. Don't overdo it though or you'll look too desperate and too obvious.

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