subject: How To Prevent Gaining Weight Over The Holidays [print this page] How To Prevent Gaining Weight Over The Holidays
During the holiday season in winter, the average American person can gain three to five pounds or even more. Its is typical that through the feasts of Thanksgiving and Christmas to the last drop on New Years Eve regular and sensible eating habits are often forgotten. Another thing is that with all the travel visiting friends and family ones regular exercise routines are often disrupted and put of all together. This lack of exercise and overeating can stress the body, especially the heart and joints. For the senior citizens among us this can be extremely serious and potentially dangerous especially if they have any existing heart or other health conditions, like high blood pressure. Weight gain causes the stress because for every pound of weight gained the heart has to work that much harder, which is turn raises ones blood pressure. For those with diabetes weight can make it harder to regulate ones blood sugar and keep it safely in the normal range.
So how can you avoid weight gain and preserve your health while still enjoying the holiday season with your family, friends and loved ones? According to most dieticians, it is doable, and not as hard as you think. You can have a happy - and healthy - holiday season with just a little planning.
Here are a few tips.
It is best not to start on a weight loss diet at this time. You might as well save the diet for your New Years resolution. You are most likely just going to end up cheating and discourage your efforts.
Make sure to eat a largish breakfast every morning and don't skip it. Also make sure it includes some protein. Protein takes long to digest and you will feel full for most of the day, reducing the amount you eat throughout the day.
If you are going to attend a potluck supper and have to bring a dish, try and make it a healthy one. Salads, whether vegetable or fruit, are easy to make and hood for you and your fellow diners.
Make sure to let the host or hostess know of any special diet wishes or restrictions you have beforehand if you are going to attend a sit down dinner. Letting them know ahead of time prevents any unpleasant surprises and sets the stage for an enjoyable night.
If you follow these tips they should help you keep the weight off until New Years at least. Enjoy your holidays.
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