subject: Plans For Pergolas - Build Your Own Pergola and Save Money With the Help of a Plan [print this page] Plans For Pergolas - Build Your Own Pergola and Save Money With the Help of a Plan
Plans for pergolas are a worthy option to ready made kits, as often pergolas from stores are expensive and require set up anyway, even if they are gorgeous. You can build an even more gorgeous wooden pergola with your hands even without previous technical or carpentry knowledge and save $2000 to $3000.
For this to happen, you need the help of a buddy, a long weekend, the purchase of quality wood like cedar or red wood (more on this later), tools and of course plans for pergolas. You can have your pergola built triangular, circular or more simply square or rectangular. Go for the latter if this is your first DIY project. Cedar and red wood are top woods and quite expensive for good reasons: they are very tough and naturally resistant to UVA, rain, mold, rot, fungus and termites. You will recoup your investment many times over, as a cedar or red wood pergola will outlive you if properly looked after.
You will be able to save $thousands anyway over a ready made solution, so do not be tight on wood quality. You need basic tools like a hammer, nails, nuts and bolts, an electric drill and a circular saw to go through the construction. The help of a friend is welcome to lift and position heavy posts and beams and cutting project times to a reasonable frame. Plans for pergolas should provide you with pictures, graphs and measures for all the main components so as to make the assembly a child game.
However, before you even think of starting the project, make sure that no underground cables or water pipes are where you plan to dig out the foundation holes for the main posts. Also choose the position based on your property layout carefully, as a finished pergola strikes an eye drawing presence in your garden, backyard or patio. Choose wisely then. Plans for pergolas come in a variety of designs, but it is the simplest ones that often are the most stylish as well as the easiest to implement.
A square or rectangular design made of cedar of red wood will beautifully blend in with the landscape, providing a shady yet warm feeling of coziness. The wood patterns and textures add a touch of beauty to the pergola and can be further enhanced with a coat or two of resin based wood stain for additional gloss and weather resistance. Beside, the natural earthy wood colors naturally complement and contrast the surrounding greenery.
You may want to floor the base of your pergola with a deck too, but if it is your first DIY project, it may be too much or you may need the help of a professional carpenter with the right skills to set the deck straight and even. A concrete and tile floor may be an easier option. In that case, choose earthy terracotta tiles to keep up with the warm and cozy feeling of the pergola.
The whole project should take a weekend to accomplish and few beers to share with your buddy at the end of it. Plans for pergolas are very inexpensive, yet they are a wise investment as they help you save thousands while having fun. Woodworking is a very satisfying hobby that helps relieve stress and forget job aggravations. Plans for pergolas come in many different sizes and are the ideal starting point for a DIY woodworking career because they are not too difficult to implement but offer dramatic visual results once finished. DIY pergolas can look even better than ready made ones and enhance the value of your property too.
If you are looking for plans for pergolas easy to implement but stylish and accurate, check out the next page. They can save you thousands. Check out these plans for pergolas now.
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