subject: Do You Want To Lose Christmas Weight? [print this page] Do You Want To Lose Christmas Weight? Do You Want To Lose Christmas Weight?
Overindulgence. Almost all of us are guilty of it during the Christmas holidays, when we let our guard down and celebrate with friends and relatives. Usually we fall foul of the relaxed atmosphere and fall into the trap of eating more. Getting rid of some stress like this is a good thing. Although it's possible our health will suffer just a little bit because of the extra fat we carry around afterwards. Many people find that they eat and drink way more than they usually would and put on some, if not quite a lot, of weight. Once the break is over they usually find themselves looking around for ways to lose Christmas weight.
A lot of people find that just returning to their prior eating habits minus the odd doughnut will get them back to what they want. So at the end of the holidays, a lot of people make New Year resolutions to lose Christmas weight but few succeed and return to their old weight as fast as they'd like to.
A weight loss program will help those that are really serious about losing weight but how exactly will it do so? Before you start any diet you should consult with your medical doctor and if you choose to proceed then you should ensure your weight loss program includes the following:
Make safe, downward changes to your calories. It's crucial to make the adjustment back to at least your previous quantities and types of foods and then quickly to an amount about 20% lower than before. The good news is that because any overindulgence has usually been for those special occasions then it can be easier to readjust once you return to normal life.
Nuts and Fruit. In many households it's still a custom to buy fruit and nuts for the Christmas period; this is something you should try to do all year round.
Increased exercise. You ought to build it up, but making a start with just 30 minutes per day of exercise that makes you slightly out of breath is the best way to begin. You'll be surprised how even modest exercise can contribute to your weight loss, for instance even this amount of exercise will, over seven days, come to about 1500 extra calories used up as well as that it'll make you feel like you're getting somewhere.
Switch to water from fruit juices and fizzy drinks. Fizzy drinks can have incredibly high sugar levels. In some cases even just one can will contain enough sugar to use up around 40% of your daily recommended amount!
If your goal is to lose weight put on over the Christmas period or indeed at any time, then success will only come if you are persistent and change the way you treat food for a good while at least. If you want to lose Christmas weight and keep it off then make sure you don't get diverted from your goal and stick close to your plan.
I always recommend that, if you want to get rid of some weight, then you discuss it with your medical practitioner beforehand. This article should not be interpreted as advice and is for information purposes only.
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