subject: 2 Simple Ways To Make Money Online [print this page] 2 Simple Ways To Make Money Online 2 Simple Ways To Make Money Online
When it comes to making money online there are 2 simple ways you can do it. Both ways are easy to do, don't take much time, don't require a lot of skill, and most importantly don't cost a lot to start. More and more people are looking to make money online because of the lifestyle that they will have and these 2 simple ways to make money online are the best places to start.
Create a micro niche website
What exactly is a micro niche website? A micro niche website is simply just a website that targets a very specific niche. For example; pink pillow cases, left side car headlights, and trek handlebar grips. All these are micro niches because they only pertain to a very specific topic.
Creating a micro niche is very easy and can make you money almost instantly. The best part about a micro niche is that you don't have much competition on the search engines so often times right when you put up your first article your site will land on the first page of Google and the other big search engines. The one bad thing about micro niche websites is that you normally don't get much traffic to the website because it is so targeted so you will have to create many different micro niche websites to make a lot of money. For example; my biggest niche website is about a specific piece of furniture and it brings in roughly $15 per day, not all my sites bring in this much, but most bring in at least a couple dollars each day.
Write articles for hubpages
There are 2 reasons I tell people to write articles for hubpages. The first reason is that for every article you have you can earn money by the visitors that come. If one of the visitors clicks on one of the adsense ads then you will get 50% of that profit, and if a visitor buys something from ebay or amazon then you get the full commission for that. This is the only site out there that I know of that will give their writers such a high commission.
2 tips to get started with hubpages
1. The more quality articles you have online means the more money you will make. So write at least 2 articles for the next 2 months and this should get you off to a great start.
2. Write about things you know. Most people just write about whatever hoping they will make money, but readers know when a writer really knows his stuff or is just trying to make something out of nothing.
I hope these 2 ways to make money are enough to get you going because this is a very profitable way to begin. If you need any more advice click here to learn how I make money qiuckly.
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