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Why Online Advertising?

Why Online Advertising?
Why Online Advertising?

Online advertising basically means advertising online over the platform of internet. It's all about displaying your website in front of the people who are interested in your product or service. You just have to find the best phrases that people search for and those might be interested will definitely purchase your goods and services.

Currently many business owners are using online advertising as a medium to market their goods and services to their target audience. Various keywords are tested keeping in mind the potential customers in an attempt to get more leads from their online advertising campaigns. After seeing the success of online advertising it can be said that online advertising is the most effective method of marketing goods and services to prospective buyers.

The success of online advertising can be easily understood with the fact that this industry will exceed by $142 billion dollars by 2014. You may find it a lot but it had been forecasted that total advertising will hit to $564 billion by the year 2014. That actually means that online advertising will be representing 25% of total advertising, rise of 12% of total advertising from last year. This trend can't be questioned because nowadays large numbers of users attain information from online sources.

One may think that 25% of total advertising by 2014 is very less but this number is expected to reach to 42.8% or $188 billion in total online advertising. This comes as good news for Google, Yahoo and Bing and not so good news for big television stations because these mega cable news networks are facing hard time in selling their ad space. Total online advertising is also estimated to total $62 billion this year i.e. 2010 and revenues is also expected to increase by 42 % per year for the next three years. After seeing all this, one can say that we are expected to see some major changes in online advertising industry in next three years.

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