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What eco products make the best Christmas gifts?

What eco products make the best Christmas gifts?

With Christmas just around the corner, now's the time to start thinking about the perfect gift for your friends and family. But for those that are environmentally conscious and that's most people these days you'll want to make sure that your present is as green as possible. So, which eco products will make the best surprise for Christmas day?

Recycled gifts are a great place to start as they offer something completely different to what's available on the high street. Each piece is as individual as the person you've got in mind, whether its recycled handmade jewellery or some unique recycled glasses.

Jewellery is always a popular choice, and is often unrecognisable from its source materials. Our range of earrings, bracelets and necklaces are made from broken glass (which is crushed or melted to produce beads), aluminium cans and even discarded shampoo bottles.

Recycled glasses made from wine and beer bottles are another option. The process transforms old, everyday bottles into funky glasses that are great for both special occasions and everyday use, and make great talking points too!

Each bottle goes through a seven stage process, which sees the edge cut, ground and then melted to make a smooth surface to drink from, before being annealed in a long oven at varying temperatures for 2 hours. Once cooled, the glasses are printed and sandblasted with designs to create a fun frosted style.

For more ideas for Christmas gifts, visit the Go Eco Store to see our full range of eco products, items and accessories. Alternatively, you can find out more here.

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