subject: North American Whitetail - Crucial Mistakes Made During the Rut [print this page] North American Whitetail - Crucial Mistakes Made During the Rut
North American Whitetail
Putting yourself in the right position to find a bigger, mature buck during the rut doesn't necessarily mean that you'll have to walk way back into no-man's land to in order to find them.
Now, I know many would argue otherwise saying that the only way you're going to find Ole' Mossy Horns is by getting into the densely covered areas where predators can't find them and at any other time of the year, I'd agree, but not during the rut.
Once the rut begins, bucks are focused on one thing- breeding does. During the pre-rut period, bucks frequent food sources to build up their energy for mating. When bucks are roaming around looking for unbred does, they know that taking the easiest route is best. Rather than seeing them traveling through thickets of brush, it's not uncommon to see them cutting straight across an open field during midday! North American Whitetail
Major travel routes and isolated clearings become staging areas for mature bucks to intercept passing does that may be in heat. Try to set your ground blind or tree stand up within a comfortable shooting distance from where you feel the deer will be coming from. Keep in mind that at this point it becomes a matter of hunting the does to hopefully have a chance at seeing a mature buck. Find out where the travel routes and feeding habits are for the does.
When analyzing the terrain, look for areas that are less demanding travel with light cover possibly near a major food source and then you'll be thinking like a buck starving for love! North American Whitetail
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