subject: 4G Allows You To Maintain Your Personal Online Presence [print this page] 4G Allows You To Maintain Your Personal Online Presence
If you spend a lot of time online staying in touch with friends then 4G wireless Internet for your cell phone and laptop may be what you need. It's no surprise that millions of Americans today use the Internet for work and play. The United States is the most Internet-connected country in the world. What may be more surprising, however, is the depth of people's dependence or reliance on the Internet for just about every aspect of their lives. In a sense, many Americans have dual personalities, as they supplement their real lives with their Internet lives.
One of the areas of your life that is probably highly dependent on the Internet is your social life. Over the years, the Internet has gone from a means to send emails back and forth or periodically talk to strangers in chat rooms to a means of staying in contact with friends, family, or strangers during all hours of the day. Whether you are in active communication with them through instant messaging or they are reading blogs or Tweets posted by you earlier in the day, there are perpetual lines of communication open between you and the world.
The result is the creation of another personality of sorts. You are a personality in the Internet world just as much as you are a living, breathing human being in the real world. While there are critics to this growing reliance on one's Internet "self", one which is highly controlled and manipulated by the Internet user as well as distant from real human interaction, Americans continue to develop themselves online through multiple sources.
First, there are the general social networking sites that provide you a personal wall on which you and your contacts can post messages. Pictures can be uploaded and commented upon, and networks can grow as you add more friends.
Second, along the same lines are professional networking sites. Rather than relying solely on face-to-face meetings or social events, people are connecting to professional sites that allow them to make contacts with other professionals around the world.
Third, Twitter allows people to post small messages about themselves during the day that followers can read. From your laptop or cell phone you post texts, limited to a relatively small number of characters, that your friends can read to know what you're doing or what you're thinking at that moment.
Fourth, blogs give Internet users the ability to post larger messages, picture albums, or whatever they want so their followers can read at their leisure. It is another way to publish information about yourself that you want others to see and a way to learn interesting things about your friends.
Staying connected and maintaining your online presence may require a high speed Internet connection like the one 4G provides. With 4G you receive the broadband speeds that are necessary to download and upload with ease while giving you true mobility. Wireless Internet is all but necessary in today's Internet Age, since it acknowledges one's necessity to stay mobile and connected to the Internet at the same time.
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