subject: Floss your Teeth regularly [print this page] Floss your Teeth regularly Floss your Teeth regularly
Dental floss is a bunch of thin plastic ribbon that is used for removing food particles and plaque from the teeth. The dental floss is inserted between the teeth and is scraped along the sides of teeth. Flossing can remove much of the unhealthy plaque build-up from our teeth.
Next to brushing, flossing is the most important thing that you can do to ensure good oral health.
The purpose of both brushing and flossing is to reduce the number of bacteria which inhabit our mouth. Normally, millions of these micro-organisms feed on food particles left on our teeth.
Each tooth has five surfaces and only by using dental floss, can reach them. Your toothbrush cannot reach them. Flossing removes the bacteria that escape the toothbrush by hiding in the tiny spaces in between teeth. Brushing without flossing is like washing only 65% of your body. The other 35% remains dirty. Dentists recommend that you floss at least once a day.
Benefits of flossing, include:
1. Helps remove bad breath.
2. Protects people from gingivitis.
3. Protects from heart attack.
4. Prevents the formation of tartar.
5. Protects from tooth loss.
Effective flossing can only be done if you allow the dental floss to clean that portion of each tooth's surface that lies below the gum line. The dental plaque that occupies this region is the plaque that will have most to do with the health of the gum tissue surrounding the tooth.
If you notice that your gums bleed when you floss it is a sign that you are not flossing regularly enough, or else you are using a improper flossing technique. Even then, you should not discontinue the use of dental floss. Even if after a week of correct flossing you still see that gums are bleeding, you should consult with a Dentist.
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