subject: Africom is good for Africa [print this page] Africom is good for Africa Africom is good for Africa
By: Ibrahim RashidUnited States Africa command, AFRICOM, is one of the six Defense Department's regional military headquarters and which was declared a fully unified command on October 1, 2008. And as such the Africa command has administrative responsibility for U.S. military support to U.S. government policy in Africa, to include military to military relationships with 53 Africa nations. And is commanded by General William E. "Kip" Ward, United States Army.In the face of mounting security challenges and ever increasing threat of terrorist organizations like Al-Qaeda, Al-Shabab in Somalia, and Al-Qaeda of the Islamic Maghreb, there is a need for the United States Africa Command, AFRICOM, to be welcomed in the African continent, to help the capacity of the local military in the various African nations.AFRICOM brings with it a wide ranging military experience in dealing with many trans-national challenges like international terrorism, piracy of the cost of Somalia and the imminent threat of drug trafficking in West Africa.In view, of the modern and sophisticated security challenges with tentacles in far ranging corners of the world, one country alone can not stand the challenge and neither can it win, with out the collaboration of the many nations of the world and hence the United states has shown a true leadership in leading other countries in dealing with the many threats facing us today so that our children will tomorrow enjoy a world which is more peaceful and democratic and in which the fundamental rights of every human being is protected.To achieve that; Africa needs to modernize and professionalize its military while strengthening the legitimate local security institutions in serving their people with integrity and honor. While at the same time ensuring the civilian administrations lead their nations to new frontiers of peace and stability.AFRICOM, can help African countries and their military in various fields that in the long run will foster sustainable developments in all other related fields. The help can be in the form of military to military co-operation, capacity building for legitimate and professional security institutions, military who can support various peace keeping efforts in the continent, as well as having the ability and the will to direct, dissuade, deter and defeat transnational threats.African countries will also get the ability to disrupt the formation of terrorist cells in their country before they mature to a high level security threat to the institutions of their respective countries, contribution to various peace building efforts will also be enhanced while tackling the new routes for Drug trafficking especially in West African counties which in recent years have seen increased cases of drug trafffiked from Latin America passing through west Africa in transit to Europe and other Western countries.Revenues from drug trafficking and piracy provide the highest danger in destabilizing many African countries as the new wealth is increasingly being sought after by Al-Qaeda and other affiliated terrorist organizations in their pursuit to destabilize civilian and democratically elected government while importing sectarian violence to Africa in a bid to provide safe heaven for their growth. Lack of good governance and transparency in many African countries coupled with chronic corruption might also act as a catalyst for terrorist organizations to grow.The United State government already provides about nine billion dollars a year to African countries and in direct support to the educational and better health care systems. AFRICOM will further increase the commitment of the United States government in ensuring Africa reaches an equitable and sustainable development through collaboration and multilateral relationship.
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