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Why Social Bookmarking Is Very Important For Generating Home Business Leads

Why Social Bookmarking Is Very Important For Generating Home Business Leads

Why Social Bookmarking Is Very Important For Generating Home Business Leads

Social Bookmarking is a very good way to get traffic and leads for your home business websites.

To understand how social bookmarking works, you must understand how search engine optimization works.

If you want to get your website ranked on the first page of Google, you must do 'search engine optimization' work. This type of 'work' involves getting a lot of links pointing to your website using a certain keyword.

Getting links to your website is a sure fire way to boost the 'authority' of your site and when you have a high authority, Google will tend to regard your website as a 'valuable' website and give you better rankings for the keywords you need to target.

However, not all links carry equal weight. The weight of each website or link is measured by its 'page rank'. The higher the page rank of the site linking to you, the better your search engine rankings will be. Google measures page rank from 0 to 10 with zero meaning nothing and 4 being a site with relevant authority.

Getting a page rank 4 website linking to you is better than getting 10 page rank 1 websites linking to you.

Social bookmarks generally have a very high page rank and they will give you the chance to link back to your sites if you contribute content or news for them. These Social Bookmarking sites run by user generated content. They are like a robust community and you can use this community to your advantage.

All you need to do is to 'submit' your site to these authority pages and when they are approved, they will automatically link back to your own home business websites. Some of them might even send direct traffic there should your headline look compelling enough.

There are many sites that exist on the net - too numerous to name. But here are a few popular ones:





(5) Facebook

(6) MySpace

(7) Reddit

(8) Twitter

(9) Mixx

(10) Propeller

And many more sites you can explore on the Internet.

At the end of the day, the more links you get for your website, the better your chances of getting ranked in a very short period of time. You will need to have a lot of discipline in order to submit websites. If you do not have the discipline, you should outsource to someone else. Like getting downlines in MLM, it's a numbers game after all.

Once you have made your decision to start your business opportunity with a genuine MLM company, you got to put in the effort to grow it as quickly as possible. I highly recommend you work intelligently in improving your network marketing opportunity. One way you can do that is to get the right network marketing internet business tools. Your business will grow quickly in a very short time.

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