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Pearly Penile Papules Removal Cost comparison

Pearly Penile Papules Removal Cost comparisonPearly Penile Papules Removal Cost comparison

How much it costs to treat Pearly penile papules

Are you looking for a treatment to cure your pearly Penile Papules ,here we will discuss all the methods available to treat PPP,the cost of PPP treatment,advantages & disadvantages

We will also discuss about natural home remedy method to cure Pearly Penile Papules ,which is very popular now in US,Canada & in England ,this popular home remedy which cures PPP within 3 days without surgery ,medication & it will cost you less than $0.5.
Pearly Penile Papules Removal Cost comparison

Effectiveness of Home remedies to remove PPP

>> Check out the Before and After Pictures of Pearly penile Papules natural cure - from the author's box given below.

What is Pearly Penile Papules ?

Before trying any treatments ,you must confirm that it is Pearly Penile Papules ,

How to identify Pearly Penile Papules

It is easy to identify Pearly Penile Papules ,by the following

Location of Papules : This is the most important criteria to identify pearly penile papules,pearly penile papules will only appear on the penis of glands base ,the exact location is Corona of the glans of penis.-

What is Corona

The circumference of the base of the glans forms a rounded projecting border, the corona of the glans penis.

Appearance : The papules appear as one or several rows of small, flesh-colored, smooth, dome-topped bumps situated circumferentially around the corona.

Pearly Penile Papules Treatments

CO2 Laser Surgery ,cost $ 3000 : Laser beam is used to burn off the papules on the penis ,

Advantages of laser surgery are -

Minimum scarring & burning

2 or 3 days hospitalization

This is the latest treatment.

Disadvantages of PPP CO2 Laser Treatment

High Cost- The main disadvantage is its high cost,it will cost $ 3000 .

Can't remove PPP permanently ,laser surgery can't remove PPP permanently ,PPP may re occur & you have to spend another $ 3000 to remove it again .

Hospitalization duration -People hates to stay in hospital ,

There are other surgical methods to remove PPP,but surgical methods will cause scars,need to stay more days in the hospital & expensive ,it will cost minimum $ 1000.

Natural ways to cure Pearly Penile Papules with home remedies

Removing Pearly Penile Papules with home remedies is the safest & cheapest way to get rid of pearly penile papules .

Advantages of Pearly Penile Papules Home Remedies

You can avoid the embarrassment of going to doctor,you can remove PPP secretly

Safest method : No burning or scarring ,most of the natural methods uses castor oil,tea tree oil etc for curing PPP.

Cheapest method to cure Pearly penile papules : This is the inexpensive way to cure Pearly penile papules as it uses readily available items in your kitchen rack .Cost will be less than 50 cents.

Permanent Cure : Even if PPP reappears you have to spend only few drops of oils to get rid of it .

If you want to get rid of your pearly penile papules or to learn more about how to use natural remedies to eliminate those little bumps on your Penis safely within 3 days
Pearly Penile Papules Removal Cost comparison

Testimonials :PPP gone with in 3 days >

>> Read the Testimonial - How I removed Pearly Penile Papules at home by an Ex-PPP sufferer - from the author's box given below.

Share your experience with Pearly Penile Papules removal here ,

Warning : There are many unscientific PPP removal methods ,like removing PPP with soldering iron,removing with acid etc ,don't try ,there are many reports of accidents & severe burnings during such attempts

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