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Natural PPP Treatment to remove PPP (Pearly Penile Papules)

PPP Treatments review

Penile PP Cure (PPP Cure)

Pearly Penile Papules are treated by scientific methods, unscientific methods as well as natural method.

Scientific method

CO2 laser treatment

The bumps are removed by targeted laser CO2 beam. The cost will be $3000 and it will take 2 to 3 weeks to return to normalcy.


The papules are scrapped away under local anesthesia. The treatment is painful and permanent scars will form due to damage of penis tissues. Cost will be $1000 and hospitalization will be for 2 to 4 weeks.

Unscientific methods

Application of tooth paste or Warts medicines, picking the bumps etc. will damage the tissues and such methods will not give guaranteed result. Also the obtained results will not be permanent.

Natural Method

The Home Remedy method is purely natural. It is painless and will not cause any side effects. This system of treatment was developed by an ex-sufferer of PPP and it is approved by American Holistic Medicines Association. The treatment is carried out by the patient himself in his home. The bumps will disappear within just 3 days and will not reappear. No scars will be formed. It will cost few cents

Hence obviously the Home Remedy method of treatment is the safest, cheapest, quickest and the best for removal of Pearly Penile Papules. This ensures a smooth and safe sexual life in future. This method can relieve you from the mental depression due to the set back in your relationship with your girl friend who got scared on seeing the bumps on your penis. She will no more suspect you as a patient of STD, Warts etc.

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