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subject: Would I Ever Purchase Rocket Spanish? [print this page]

Would I Ever Purchase Rocket Spanish?
Would I Ever Purchase Rocket Spanish?

Rocket Spanish has been around for some more than 5 years now, and I have known about it for at least 3. I had always wondered if it would be worth it to give it a go. So I finally gave in and ordered the course, after I remembered that they offer a 60 day full money back guarantee.

Let me tell you, I was not disappointed. The material is really amazing, but I can imagine some people struggling to use it to its full potential.

What Rocket Spanish offers is a set of audio lessons which takes you through a variety of material from beginner level through to intermediate/advanced level. The focus of Rocket Spanish is a little different to some other self study Spanish courses. It focusses on teaching the student to speak fluently and with a great native sounding accent. Since the course is all about conversational Spanish this really strikes the heart of the issue.

To start off with theaudio's felt a little fast paced, but once I got into (after only listening a couple of times) the flow of the lessons it became really quite fun.

The style of Rocket Spanish may contradict the learning style of some people. It may not the best choice for you if like learning from text books or require full immersion into the culture. In which case going to Spain would be much more effective. In my opinion the best way to learn a language is to live in a country where it is spoken.

So where does Rocket Spanish succeed?

It gives the learner an interactive and fun setup so that they can immerse themselves into the program.

The material is focussed on teaching you to be able to speak fluently with a good accent. This is probably the most encouraging aspect of the course, since you can learn good grammar etc from virtually any half decent course. But to be able to speak with a great accent and with fluency is something which every language student should aspire to. This course is quite unique in this sense.

The interactive aspect of Rocket Spanish is great. You can add to the software programs yourself as you discover more of the language and use it to practice it.

They offer a free 6 day course and a 60 day full money back guarantee. So you can try with no risk but a bit of time on your part.

I highly recommend Rocket Spanish as it is the easiest and most enjoyable self study Spanish course I have seen.

Find out more about Rocket Spanish by clicking here.

Alternatively you can check out the free 6 day course here.

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