subject: A Personal Encounter With Exterior Cladding [print this page] A Personal Encounter With Exterior Cladding
My husband and I decided to purchase our own home after he decided to stop working . Throughout our married lives we had been living in flats and apartments and we had always dreamed of spending the rest of our lives at the country. After several months of searching, we'd finally found her.
The cottage was not so old, only about 100 years, unfortunately time was not kind to it. Nature wasn't kind to her and neither were her previous owners who had her fitted out as a goat shed/storage! She needed to be fixed up, from the ground all the way up to the roof.
It was a huge job for the two of us, but she is a small cottage and we thought we might manage to manage it with the minimum of outside help. Although we weren't as mad as to attempt the first phase. The contractors had to mend the room for one and we didn't trust ourselves to get up there and do it on our own.
The roof solid and intact over our heads, we then went on to fix the interiors of our new home. Fortunately, the pipes were of fine condition, they were copper pipes, and they didn't need to get replaced. The age plus the fact that it's a Victorian cottage told us that it was quite damp inside because of visibly damaged external cladding made from bricks. Salts had eaten into our poor home and some of the bricks were rotten.
Thank goodness that there are other options for external cladding marketed . We were able to damp-proof our home and replace the antique brick with a rather serviceable replacement. Admittedly it took a lot of effort on our part but the end results justified our determination !
Our job was easy only because most of the wood paneling on the interior was rotted through and we were forced to tear them down to replace them. Fortunately there were enough wood panelling that were still adequate for recycling and installation in the kitchen.
But we had to put up a thin plastic sheet within the walls for this will provide the much needed heat and will keep the moisture from comin in. The plastic sheet will function as a guard agains future leakages and from the damp which usually happens in Victorian homes. After seeing how the damp caused a great deal of damage, we thought that it will be a logical expense .
People have now seen the effects most of our efforts have made and have made positive comments on how different our little cottage looks from what it used to before. Although I have to say that it is the old brick and new exterior cladding which have made all the difference in the way the cottage looks. I think that people that see our little home in the future will never know how the cottage needed to undergo major repair ! Only when the external looks mature because of the weather will the cottage look just like it did a century ago.
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