subject: Understanding Dental Insurance Plans in Virginia [print this page] Understanding Dental Insurance Plans in Virginia
Dental insurance plans like traditional health plans can be offered in indemnity and managed care modes. Understanding various types of dental insurance plans in
Virginia, consumers can quickly identify the best suitable plan for their needs.
In this article, we will deal with the types of dental insurance plans offered in Virginia.
Indemnity dental plans in Virginia
Like traditional fee-for-service health plans, a monthly premium is paid by the client. If the plan is offered by the employer, then there would be a portion of
premium paid by the employer.
Some typical features of these dental plans:
High deductibles before coverage begins
Probationary periods on certain procedures that last up to a year
Annual dollar limit on benefits
Your average monthly cost: $15 to $25
Companies selling these plans are regulated by state insurance departments
Dental HMO plans in Virginia
Like traditional HMO plans, these dental plans provide a comprehensive dental care to enrolled patients through designated provider office.
Some typical features of these dental plans:
Monthly premiums
Co-payments for office visits
Free preventive or routine care
May have an initial enrollment fee
Annual dollar cap
Your average monthly cost: $5 to $15
Companies selling these plans are regulated by state insurance departments
Dental PPO plans in Virginia
Another type of managed care dental plans, Preferred provider organizations ( PPOs) fall somewhere between an indemnity plan and a dental HMO. These plans allow a
particular group of patients to receive dental care from a defined panel of dentists; at the same time, there is an option of seeing a dentist from outside the
network, but this may cost higher to the consumer.
Some typical features of these dental plans:
Monthly premiums
Your average monthly cost: $20-25
Companies selling these plans are regulated by state insurance departments
Direct Reimbursement dental plans in Virginia
Another option for Virginians to have a dental care plan is the direct reimbursement plan. This is a self-funded benefit plan in which an employer pays for dental care
with its own funds. Of course, it is no insurance.
Some typical features of a direct reimbursement plans:
Neither a consumer nor the employer pay monthly premiums
Freedom to choose any dentist
Benefits usually capped at $500 to $2,000 annually.
Dental Discount in Virginia
It is not insurance but the managing organizations negotiate with local dental offices to establish a set price for a particular dental procedure and offer deep discounts.
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