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Buy Generic Parlodel online

Buy Generic Parlodel online
Buy Generic Parlodel online

Buy Generic Parlodel online

Generic Parlodel

Several drug companies currently manufacture generic Parlodel (bromocriptine) products, including Mylan Pharmaceuticals, Lek Pharmaceuticals, and Sandoz Pharmaceuticals. Generic Parlodel, which comes in tablet and capsule form, has been shown to be equivalent to the brand-name version (although the active ingredients may be different).

Parlodel Generic: An Overview

Parlodel (bromocriptine mesylate) is a prescription medication used to treat the following conditions:

Acromegaly (a hormonal disorder that causes excessive growth)

Hyperprolactinemia (high levels of the hormone prolactin, which can cause infertility and other problems)

Parkinson's disease.

Parlodel is made by Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation. The patents for Parlodel have expired, and the medication is now available in generic form.

Buy Generic Parlodel online

Strengths of Generic Parlodel

Generic Parlodel are available in the following strengths:

Bromocriptine 2.5 mg tablets

Bromocriptine 5 mg capsules.

Who Makes Generic Parlodel?

Generic Parlodel is made by various companies, such as:

Lek Pharmaceuticals

Mylan Pharmaceuticals

Sandoz Pharmaceuticals.

Is Generic Bromocriptine as Good as Parlodel?

All generic medications must undergo certain tests to compare them to brand-name medications. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) then looks at these tests to decide whether the generics are equivalent to the brand-name medications and assigns each generic a rating. An "AB" rating means that the FDA has determined that a generic medication is equivalent to a brand-name medication. All of the generic bromocriptine versions currently available have an "AB" rating, meaning they should be equivalent to Parlodel.

However, generic medications are allowed to have different inactive ingredients than the brand-name medication. This might include fillers or dyes or other ingredients that may cause problems for people with allergies or sensitivities.

Buy Generic Parlodel online

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