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Buy Sinemet

Buy Sinemet
Buy Sinemet

Buy Sinemet

Generic Sinemet

The patents for Sinemet (carbidopa-levodopa) have expired, and generic Sinemet is now available. The FDA has assigned all generic versions of the drug an "AB" rating, meaning they should be equivalent to brand-name Sinemet. However, generic Sinemet may have different inactive ingredients, such as fillers or dyes, from the brand-name medication, which can cause problems for people with allergies or sensitivities.

Generic Sinemet: An Overview

Sinemet (carbidopa-levodopa) is a prescription medication licensed as a Parkinson's disease treatment. It is also approved to treat Parkinson-like symptoms due to other causes.

Brand-name Sinemet is made by Merck & Co., Inc. and is marketed by Bristol-Myers Squibb Company. However, the patent for the drug has since expired, and generic Sinemet is now available.

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Strengths of Generic Sinemet

Generic Sinemet is available in the following strengths:

Carbidopa-levodopa 10-100 mg

Carbidopa-levodopa 25-100 mg

Carbidopa-levodopa 25-250 mg.

Who Makes Generic Sinemet?

Generic Sinemet is made by the following companies:

Actavis Elizabeth


Teva Pharmaceuticals.

Is Carbidopa-Levodopa as Good as Sinemet?

All generic medications must undergo certain tests comparing them to brand-name medications. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) then looks at these tests to decide if the generics are equivalent to the brand-name medications and assigns a rating to each one. An "AB" rating means that the FDA has determined that a generic medication is equivalent to a brand-name medication. All of the generic Sinemet versions currently available have an "AB" rating, meaning they should be equivalent to Sinemet.

However, generic medications are allowed to have different inactive ingredients from the brand-name medication. This might include fillers, dyes, or other ingredients, which could cause problems for people with allergies or sensitivities.

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