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Make Life Easy-Buy An Idli Maker

Make Life Easy-Buy An Idli Maker
Make Life Easy-Buy An Idli Maker

Most of you might have heard about the idli maker kitchen appliance. At least those of you are familiar in the kitchen must have! For all those who are not here is a quick intro for this time saving appliance which provides you one of the most popular south Indian snack right from your home! An idli or idly is shaped like a disc or round bowl with as pressed surface. Making this shape perfectly at home does become difficult at times!

However, one can take the help of an idli maker or idly maker. This useful kitchen machine provides you moulds similar to the shape of idli. One can use these moulds to get their desired idli shapes. These moulds are of either aluminum or stainless steel and at one go one can easily prepare 8-24 idlis.

Steamed idly from idly steamer is really healthy for body. It provides fat free idlis to be made within a span of 3-4 minutes. Many people down south prefer this method of preparing their favorite morning snack.

One can choose from a variety of idli makers available in the market like cooker based idli maker, electric idli maker and now the microwave idli maker.

Following will tell you how to cook idlis in an idli maker

Pour water in the idli cooker

Take just a drop of oil with your finger and apply it to the moulds. This helps in removing the idlis without being sticky.

Pour your idli mix batter into each oft his moulds and place them one over the other.

Makes sure the lowermost mould is not submersed in water

Close the lid of the cooker and put it on gas for 20-30 mins

Take out the idlis with the help of a spoon or knife

Serve them with coconut chutney and sambhar

Unlike in regular idly maker, microwave idly cooker doesn't require oil to be used on its moulds.

Buy an idli maker now and prepare delicious idlis at home!

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