subject: Tips: What can Parents do to Prevent Childhood Obesity? [print this page] Tips: What can Parents do to Prevent Childhood Obesity?
The last two decades have shown a tremendous increase in childhood obesity rates in adolescents and school age children. Where the obesity rates in adults have doubled, in adolescents and school age children they have tripled, which has made at least one child in five overweight. As the most persuasive role models for their children, parents play a significant role in preventing childhood obesity and improving children health.
Educating healthy lifestyle habits that involve physical activity and nutrition are the finest ways to prevent children and adolescents from becoming overweight.Here are some suggestions for parents on how to help your children maintain a healthy diet and prevent childhood obesity:
1. If your child does not like to eat healthy food, prepare it according to the taste of your child. Make sure to eat meals together as a family and avoid sitting in front of television while eating.
Embolden your kids to eat gradually and savor the food.
2. Keep healthy food at hand such as fresh fruits, low fat cookies instead of chips and other unhealthy foods. Something a lot parents may not be familiar with is a nutritious bake and serve rice puff made from organic, whole grain brown rice that is cholesterol-free and healthy to eat.
3. Make sure not to use food as a reward or punishment. Children shall not be positioned on restrictive diets, unless done so by a doctor. Putting restriction on child's food can be very bad for your children health.
4. Include your child in meal planning and grocery shopping. This not just helps them learn how to make good choices but will also interest them in cooking and eating healthy foods. It is said that motivating child in grocery and vegetable shopping not just increase the interest of the child but they also feel fascinated to eat a product they bought.
5. Use healthy products for cooking such as olive oil, serve bake food more and make various creative recipes using green vegetables. Focus on small, gradual changes in eating. This helps create habits that will last a lifetime and improve your children health.
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