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What Is Fear Costing You?

I've been reading a great book, 'The Science of Fear' by Daniel Gardner. Filled with scientific studies, the book does a brilliant job of illustrating Gardner's idea that what we fear often makes no logical sense.

Here's the interesting part: You would think that we would fear things in proportion to their likeliness to happen - if, for example, there is a 1 in 6000 chance that we'll be in a car accident, we would fear that more than a 1 in 1 million chance of contracting a rare illness. Strangely, it doesn't work that way, especially if we've heard a story about the rare illness. Not only will we fear it more, but we'll actually BELIEVE the illness to be far more likely to occur than it actually is. And unfortunately the media tends to support this - fear sells.

What this means in today's economy is that because the media is full of doom and gloom stories, many people are caught in a cycle of fear about their prosperity. Now, some people are experiencing difficult times. Perhaps you are, too.

What science is telling us, though, is that the more stories you expose yourself to about failure, the more likely you believe your own failure to be! Might you fail? Perhaps. But FEAR about what might happen in the future NEVER HELPS.

When you feel fearful, you're less willing or able to take action. You may feel 'paralyzed' with fear. Much of your creative and problem-solving brain function will be shut down, making you less able to cope with a situation.

Fortunately, it doesn't have to be that way. But it takes some attention.

Removing the fear will make you (literally!) smarter, more capable, and happier. If you're smarter, more capable, and happier, you WILL be more successful.

Here are the steps to take to begin removing the fear:

Use meridian tapping techniques such as EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) to remove the fear. Other methods include 'The Sedona Method', and Byron Katie's 'The Work'.

Surround yourself with success stories. Tell your friends 'I've heard there's a recession, I'm choosing not to participate.' Find positive friends to connect with, so you can bolster each other with successes. Did you get a new client? Call three people and celebrate!

Watch movies, and read books, about people who have succeeded in order to train your mind to believe in success, not failure. You might even get some new ideas about how to succeed by asking 'what are the qualities that this person brought to this situation?'

You may not be able to completely control what happens to you, but you CAN control your mindset, and your reaction. Whether or not you remain fearful is up to you. You can believe in failure, or you can believe in success - which do you choose?


Tapping Tips for removing fears

Setup statement (tap the KC point):

Even though I'm afraid that I'll fail in what I'm trying to do, I choose to accept myself anyway.

Even though i'm afraid that I won't make the money that I need, I choose to focus on my success today.

Even though I'm afraid that I just won't make it, I choose to consider that the Universe is conspiring in my favor.

Do several rounds, tapping on each of the tapping points, using the following reminder phrases, or make up your own:

I'm afraid I won't make enough money.

What if I fail?

I'm scared that I won't succeed.

What if I lose my home?

What if I can't support my family?

I'm really scared.

I'm scared that I'll fail.

When the intensity of your upset has dropped to a 5 or below (on a 0-10 scale), do one round, tapping on each of the tapping points, using the following reminder phrases or make up your own:

What if I can succeed?

What if things do turn out OK in the end?

What if I worry and worry and everything works out?

That would be pretty silly.

Could I actually believe in success?

What if I focused on all my successes?

What if I chose to believe in success?

I can choose to believe in success or failure.

I think I'll choose success.

I'm open to making all the money I need.

I choose success.

Alternate the negative and positive rounds (always end with the positive!) until you have released the fear and believe in the possibility of success.

Copyright (c) 2009 Pamela Bruner

by: Pamela Bruner

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