subject: Influencers on climate change & social tipping points [print this page] Influencers on climate change & social tipping points
This section report focuses on influencers - those people who are making an impact on public opinion concerning climate change. The analysis measures how much prominent influencers are considered to be effective in shaping opinion in Canada, England and the USA, and how much they are thought to be wrong-thinking and/or annoying. Additionally, the study measures the influence of organizations and word-of-mouth on public perception of climate change.
How well regarded, or not, are specific public figures - politicians, celebrities, journalists or scientists - for their opinions about clkimate change?
Would Al Gore be an appropriate opinion leader for your low-carbon media campaign?
Which are the leading campaigning organisations for influencing people about climate change?
How much do people talk to their peer groups about climate change?
What is the influence of various climate change opinion leaders have on specific demographic groups; and'Climate Citizens','Mild Greens'and'Sceptics & Uninvolveds'?
Table of Contents:
1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 Key Insights 4
1.3 Methodology 5
2.1 Report Results 10
2.2 Attitudinal segmentation to climate change 11
3 Canada Data 19
3.1 Canada - The influence of public figures 21
3.2 Canada - The influence of organisations 30
3.3 Canada - The influence of social contacts & social connectors 38
4 England Data 42
4.1 England - The influence of public figures 44
4.2 England - The influence of organisations 53
4.3 England - The influence of social contacts & social connectors 61
5 USA Data 65
5.1 USA - The influence of public figures 67
5.2 USA - The influence of organisations 76
5.3 USA - The influence of social contacts & social connectors 84