subject: Free Halloween eCards - Where to Get Real Free Halloween eCards? [print this page] Free Halloween eCards - Where to Get Real Free Halloween eCards?
I love Halloween so I wanted to send some of my friends and family a funny Halloween card. Unfortunately every site I tried to use ended up trying to charge me to send out the cards that I really liked.
All of the big sites claimed to have free Halloween ecards but they would really only have a small selection of plain looking ones for free and then charge you for the really funny or cool looking ones.
They would wait until after you customized the ecard too which was just frustrating, especially after they force you to make an account and then tell you that it will cost $3 or more just to send your card out to a few friends.
After going through this process at a few different sites I finally found one site that was actually free. I think they have something like 1000 different ecards to choose from, even animated and funny cartoon ones the other sites charge for.
This site even had cards you could paste your friends pictures on which I thought was really funny. I just picked a regular animated card so I didn't have to make a bunch of changes to it.
In the end I am glad I found a site that was actually free since I wasn't really willing to pay money to just send out a simple holiday card to my friends.
Click here to go to the site I used to send free Halloween ecards
I always like getting cards in my email from my friends too even though it's kind of corny, and that's why I thought this Halloween was the perfect time to return the favor and make a Halloween greeting card for my friends.
I'll probably end up using the same site to send out cards to my friends for Christmas and New Years too since it was so easy to use.
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