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Club-Asteria Best Home Business Opportunity Ever!

Club-Asteria Best Home Business Opportunity Ever!

Club-Asteria is best home business opportunity ever. In 17 months you can be earning $400 weekly in commissions alone. If you decide to recruit then you can earn as much as you like. There is nominal fee of $20 monthly for a gold membership. Your membership is paid off by your weekly cash commission by the 4th month.

This opportunity is available worlwide Club-Asteria does not descriminate against race, religion, or color. Our mission is to make this world a better place. We make revenue by offering different programs to our members. We have programs that allow you to send money and receive money all over the world with nominal fees. When you introduce someone into the club. You automatically will receive $9.00 on a monthly basis.

The compensation plan is very lucrative, the company distributes 75% of the previous weeks earning to it.s members. Compensation is divided in two parts 10 % total.

8% Asterios (loyalty points)

2% Cash

When you have a total of 1000 Asterios you can become a network director. You will earn 30% on your downline.

To help you promote this opportunity Club-Asteria gives you a free account with Cumada. This website is used in conjuction with the prewritten email that lead to signups.

The company is very new it is directed by former World Bank Director Andrea Lucas. Her mission is to help under developed countries achive financial stability. By everyone joining efforft in this noble cause we can all guarantee a brighter future for our loved ones. The club provides clean drinking water for under developed countries as well as food and shelter for the poor. The company also funds contruction in under developed countries.

To find out more or to join this noble cause click the link below:

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