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Purchase Altova MapForce 2009 cheap
Purchase Altova MapForce 2009 cheap

Altova MapForce 2009 Enterprise Edition is a graphical data mapping, conversion, and integration tool. This award-winning application lets you map between any combination of XML, database, flat file, EDI, Microsoft Excel 2007, XBRL, and/or Web service. Then it transforms data instantly or autogenerates royalty-free application code for the execution of recurrent conversions.

Buy Altova MapForce 2009 cheap

To use MapForce, just open information sources and targets, drop in data processing functions from the customizable libraries, and drag connecting lines between elements you wish to associate. Numerous functions come standard (e.g., filter, concatenate, sum, replace, etc.), and you can create and save your own data processing functions or use existing Web services to process data. Once a mapping is defined, you can instantly view and save the output.

Additionally, you can choose between XSLT 1.0, XSLT 2.0, XQuery, Java, C , or C# to automatically generate a turnkey application from your mapping designs. MapForce supports all major databases, including Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, Oracle, Sybase, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and others. It even supports mapping XML data to and from IBM DB2 9: pureXML and SQL Server databases. EDI support is provided for the most prevalent standards: UN/EDIFACT, ANSI X12, and HL7.

The versatile FlexText utility, included with MapForce Enterprise Edition, lets you parse arbitrarily structured text files and easily incorporate legacy data in your mapping designs. Support for mapping XBRL data enables you to comply with financial reporting mandates by easily transforming your accounting data into the required taxonomy.

MapForce integrates with both Microsoft Visual Studio and Eclipse, so you can use its advanced functionality from within these leading IDEs.

Major Features:

- Graphical data mapping, conversion, and integration tool

- Map between any combination of XML, database, flat file, EDI, Microsoft Excel 2007, XBRL, and/or Web service

- Create and save your own data processing functions

- Use existing Web services to process data

- Generate a turnkey application from your mapping designs. MapForce supports all major databases

- Parse arbitrarily structured text files and easily incorporate legacy data in your mapping designs

- Comply with financial reporting mandates

- Integrates with both Microsoft Visual Studio and Eclipse

Purchase Altova MapForce 2009 cheap

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