subject: Learn Mixed Martial Arts Online [print this page] Learn Mixed Martial Arts Online Learn Mixed Martial Arts Online
My name is Ken Wozniak,
I am going to show you where to get the very best videos to learn Mixed Martial Arts online ever created. These instructional videos were created by IRONGUARD INSTRUCTORS and the Submission 101 Team that is so popular on you tube.
It does not matter what your style is, Krav Maga, Sambo, Grappling, or whether you fight with a with a gi or no-gi. These are the videos you need to use anytime and anywhere.
Let us assume you are a practitioner, anyone from beginner to professional. You are taking instructions at your local dojo. When you come home you have questions about your technique and you wish you can practice the move correctly. You also have questions about yourdiet, stretching, and workouts.
These videos will show you how to properly execute throws and takedowns, how to develop flexibility and core strength, how to get fit and get a lean ripped body.
For example, when watching these instructional videos about MMA and Jiu Jitsu, you will be taught Throws and Takedowns like Aikiotoshi, Techinage, and Hip throws.
On the Self Defense videos you will learn Thumb Lock, Weapon Retention and Full Nelson Escapes.
In Guard and Rubber Guard you will be see how to apply Arm Bar escapes, Gogoplata Choke from Rubber Guard and Leg Locks 101.
And in the Half Guard section you will see how to perform God Father Sweep and Indian Death Lock.
Is this enough? No there is so much more in this video series . I guarantee you will enjoy and increase your skill level when watching these learn mixed martial arts online videos.
You will also receive from IRONGUARD professional trainers videos on How to Warm-Up, Post Exercise Stretching, Aerobic Plus training systems and IRONGUARD nutritional support.
Whether your sport is Jiu Jitsu or mixed martial arts, you will find in this extensive MMA and Jiu Jitsu library all of the videos all you can possibly need.
Now you can get a lean ripped body and an arsenal of deadly and effective skills. You will get fit and roll with the big guns. You can learn at any time or anywhere for less than the cost of one month of instructions at the dojo.
These videos can be watched on any iphone, ipod, ipad, blackerry or PC and TV. They can be viewed again and again anywhere.
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