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Online Shopping websites that offer huge discounts!

Online Shopping websites that offer huge discounts!

Sample sales can be a great opportunity to get that deal of a life time, because they offer deep discounts on our favorite designer brands. The trick to sample sales is to be patient and consistent. If you are patient, and make an effort to stay in the loop with your favorite online sample sale sites, you can get that deeply discounted designer item. You could look fashion chic, and save a pile of money at the same time. So sign up with as many online sample sale sites as possible, and this is your ticket to getting the scoop on the latest designer deals. Don't forget to sign-up for the news letter and rss feeds, this is key to landing your designer deal. This is not only a great way to save, but it can also be fun. There is nothing like getting that deal of a lifetime. Online sample sale sites are a huge trend, so remember to keep your eye open for new sites. There are always new sample sale site becoming available, and taking advantage of new opportunities can increase your options of getting that huge discounted designer deal.

Sign Up for Lucky Chic for Free and start shopping!

Have you heard of Luckychic is an exciting new online sample sale website with a fun twist. LuckyChic brings fun and excitement to the online shopping experience. This site offers its members the opportunity to get up to 98% off their favorite luxury products
Online Shopping websites that offer huge discounts!

If you're a bargain hunter you're probably going to love, a new website that lets you bid on gift cards and luxury items for up to 98% off the retail price. Items on the site can range from a $10 gift certificate all the way up to an iPad or Louis Vuitton bag - and the deals can be amazing. I just saw a brand new Kindle sell for $3.70!

It's an incredible concept, but you have to really know how the site works before you bid - otherwise you risk wasting your money. I have played around with the site for about a week now, and this is my advice on winning:

1. If you're under 18, ask permission from your parent or guardian before signing up. Once you've registered, do NOT bid on anything the first time you're looking at the site. Take the time to read through the Step-By-Step instructions on bidding carefully, as well as the Help section.

2. You have to purchase chips to bid, and each chip costs 60 cents. Remember when you are bidding that you paid for your chips - don't just go bidding with abandon.

2. Check out the "Just Won" section of the site regularly to find out at what price items are selling. Figuring out around how much an item usually goes for will help you decide when to jump in and bid.

2. Lucky Chic doesn't operate like eBay where the time runs down once and the auction is over. Every bid adds an additional 20 seconds to the auction, so if you bid at the last second the auction will go on for another 20 seconds. This means that an auction can keep going for minutes - even hours - from when it was supposed to end.

2. Only bid in the last 2 seconds of an auction. EVER. If you bid any earlier than that you are wasting your money.

3. Read all of the fine print on the item before you bid. Some things have shipping fees, and large items like Louis Vuitton bags can cost up to $75 more in handling!

4. Remember that once you've bid, if you win you still have to pay for that item. For example, if you bid on a gift card for $2.30, you have to pay that $2.30 plus handling fees.

If you keep these tips in mind you should be able to get some great items at awesome prices.

Start shopping @ Lucky Chic now - the site offers daily deal on:

Save on Louis Vuitton Handbags.

Luxury products up to 98% off. Shop now and save big on a Louis Vuitton Handbag.
Online Shopping websites that offer huge discounts!

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