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subject: Our National Debt: Now, That's Scary [print this page]

Our National Debt: Now, That's Scary
Our National Debt: Now, That's Scary

They're Coming To Suck Your Wallet Dry

by Michael D. Hume, M.S.

I've been hearing a radio ad that's right on the money - literally. It depicts a little kid coming to the door for "trick-or-treat," dressed not as a vampire or a ghost, but as - that's right - the national debt.

"See all these IOUs I have stuck to me? Here's the trillion for China," the kid says. She says vampires and ghosts aren't real, but the national debt is, and it's much more scary.

She'll get no argument from me!

The Obama administration has racked up trillions of dollars in debt... more than all the other administrations in the 230-plus year history of America combined. The fact is, unless the policies of the ruling Democrats are reversed, the trick-or-treaters you see this weekend will live hard, short, poor lives for the first time in generations in the United States. Luckily, the electorate seems to get this. As dumb and unsophisticated as the erudite media would have us believe the voters are, they are set to send a message to Washington next week that should be hard even for this administration to ignore. Scarily, though, President Obama has given no indication he's paying attention to the great unwashed masses. High taxes and high government spending have gotten us into this mess, you say? His plan is to put his opponents in the back seat as he shoves the pedal to the metal in our proverbial national vehicle. As we all fly off the cliff together, you'll hear him exclaim "We just need to spend more! Don't you get it?"

Closer to home, I'm a big believer in taking charge of your own financial future. Even if you have a great job, start an internet business on the side as a hedge against the coming depression. Get yourself in shape so you don't have to rely as much on government health care. And get a financial education - a real financial education - to get smart about how you can be one of the few who will benefit from the coming global transfer of trillions in wealth.

And how about a constitutional amendment that would limit the government's ability to spend, once and for all? As difficult as it would be to acheive politically, probably nothing else will put a stake in the vampires' hearts.

In the meantime, be spooked. They are coming to suck us all dry.

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