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Teeth Whitening Gels
Teeth Whitening Gels

Dr George's Dental White tooth whitening kit has been the primary tooth whitening selection in America by dentists and consumers alike for over 15 years. It has lately made its first appearance in the UK and is already creating quite a stir.

Unlike countless other D.I.Y home tooth whitening products, it is clinically approved by dentists and the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) and has been used as an alternative to going to the dental surgery by many as professional results could be achieved safely and rapidly at a way more wallet friendly cost.

It is made from a professional preparation normally used in dental surgical procedures everywhere in the world; these effective whitening kits will help to whiten your enamel by up to 11 shades in only a fortnight.

The ingredients used within the preparation are 16% Carbamide Hydrogen Peroxide (precisely the same gel that a dental professional would employ when whitening your teeth) Propylene Glycol, Water, Glycerine, Carboner, Mint and T.E.A flavouring.

First tested and developed in 1989 by one among America's most celebrated dentists; Dr George Madray DMD, utilizing a really simple four step process.

Tthe patented teeth whitening gel works by drawing out the moisture from the consumesr enamel through tiny pores in the enamel, the bleach subsequently enters the pores and then begins the procedure of turning the enamel white with no harm to the tooth enamel. The manufacturers claim that the gel will get to work in just half-hour!

The gel in the teeth whitening kit has a PH level of 6.7 to 7.2 which is commonplace dental surgery potency and recommended on all teeth whitening products to get a desired outcome.

It comes full with mouth trays that are customisable that whiten all higher and lower tooth directly, you'll be able to expect to see these pearly whites brighter and whiter than ever before inside a couple of applications.

The package has a good storage life of 2 years, offering really great value for money so it can be used whenever you want for so long as you desire to get glowing white teeth every time.

For those of you anxious to get that Hollywood smile very quickly, you can also purchase a blue laser light that transmits UV rays for an even faster activation of the gel and get whiter teeth 50% more fast.

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