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subject: Autoclave Sterilizer is A Great Instrument to Sterilize Your Items [print this page]

Autoclave Sterilizer is A Great Instrument to Sterilize Your Items

Autoclave Sterilizer is A Great Instrument to Sterilize Your Items

Autoclave sterilizer is a pressure vessel to accommodate pressured hot air. It comes in the shape of a tube or tank that has temperature level up to 1000 C. It is used to kill microorganisms and other infectious things that are heat resistant. When the pressure is sealed, the boiling point will rise above 1000 C. It is very efficient to kill heat resistant microorganisms.

Autoclave is commonly used for medical, tattooing, microbiological, body piercing, veterinary, dentistry, and other purpose. This tool is used to sterilize instruments like surgical instruments, laboratory instruments, medical waste, animal cage bedding, patient care utensils, and many others.

This tool can sterilize pathogenic waste and other hazardous residues. The heated water and pressuring steam are intended to neutralize infectious instrument. The newest type of autoclave can even sterilize dress, gowns, gloves, rubber material, and any of the kind. It that type of material cannot stand the high temperature of hot air oven. Therefore it is necessary to use an autoclave rather than a hot air oven.

Autoclave is also used in many tattoo shop. It is important to have this tool to sterilize the tattoo equipments. It is also important to keep it clean in order to avoid microbacteria growth. If the tattoo equipments are not sterilized using an autoclave sterilizer, the possibility of getting infected by virus or any dangerous residue is very high.

Medical sterilizer are generally purposed to kill bacteria and short of pathogens. One thing that needs to be underlined is that a kitchen sterilizer is impropriate to be used for medical equipments sterilization. Kitchen sterilizer cannot reach the temperature level needed to sterilize pathogens. You also have to remember that this tool needs to be tested regularly to make sure that it is working normally. From all of the explanation above, I hope you can gain information from this article.

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