subject: Travel Insurance and why you should have it [print this page] Travel Insurance and why you should have it
There might be a cancellation of your flight, or weather that has interrupted your flight. Who will cover the losses, if you can't get a refund? If your baggage gets lost, damaged, or stolen. What will happen then? This are some of the question's that you should be asking yourself when you travel, because the reality of it is, one of these things could happen. If you don't have insurance, your trip may be more of a hassle than a joy.
When you are traveling overseas, it can take a while to save up, so in other words it is like an investment. So, as all investments you would like them to pay off, but there are some things you just can control that may interrupt or ruin your trip. Even though you may not be able to prevent a weather situation that has closed down the airport, having a type of travel insurance can help with the losses.
By having some kind of insurance it can reimburse you for what you couldn't get a refund for. As some instances for flights being cancelled, you may not get your money back, or they will give you a refund with them to book another flight. If your clothing gets stolen while traveling, or lost or damage, that is more money that you have to put in for the trip. Which you probably would have wanted to have put that money somewhere else.
Having third party insurance, can also cover the medical expenses for your trip. For example if there is a medical emergency, because of an accident and you are not able to get medical treatment where you are. Or you need to be evacuated for that reason, insurance will cover it. You may be struggling to pay for those extras, if in your budget you don't cover those cost. You could potentially be put more out of pocket by even more than you planned to. Having this insurance may cover for all the emergency travel and expenses for your trip.
Even though it is a little extra towards your trip, having it covered by insurance you could put your minds at ease. As knowing that you don't have to pay for more than what you expected to. So, while you are traveling it could be what you need to save the investment that you have worked so hard for, but it is always best to look at what is available, as they may not cover what you need.
Finally, having a type of insurance for travel, could be the best thing that you do for your family, because anything can happen. Like a storm, that has canceled your flight, you would want to get reimbursed for it, and the best way to do that is to get a type of insurance. If there are medical expenses or something has happened to your baggage that is at the fault of someone else, having insurance can ease that burden for you. As all investments you don't want to lose out on them and want them to work in your favor and so you should, so protecting your trip would be the best thing that you need to.
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