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Five Remedies for Teeth Grinding

Five Remedies for Teeth Grinding
Five Remedies for Teeth Grinding

Are you losing sleep at night? Do you frequently find yourself waking in the morning with headaches, earaches, or toothaches? The solution to your problem might be easier than you think.

Teeth grindingor bruxismaffects as many as one in every five Americans, and of that group, only two in ten are aware of their condition. Most causes of bruxism are psychological, such as anxiety, suppressed emotions, personality characteristics, and antidepressants. Teeth grinding puts one's teeth under intense pressure and causes a myriad of inconvenient and painful side effects. When gone untreated, the condition may escalate, leading to fractured teeth, receding gums, and tooth sensitivity, among other maladies.

But bruxism affects more than just the teeth grinders themselves; regular offenders may cause equal stress in their partners by keeping them awake at night with the noise of the grinding.

If you suspect you suffer from bruxism, Gilbert, Arizona oral surgeon Dr. Wayne G. Thorpe can help treat the symptoms and the causes. Although bruxism is not a life-threatening disorder, it can be a contributing factor to more serious and long-lasting discomforts.

There are a few active measures you can take if you suspect you or your partner suffer from bruxism. Since the most common causes of teeth grinding are stress and anxiety, begin making a conscious effort to cut the stress from your life. Here's how:

1. Create a better work environment. Although you may not be prepared to quit your job, see if there is any way you can make work more bearable to you. Can you listen to your own soothing music while you work? Can you oil that squeaky chair, confront the annoying coworker, or ask your boss for a raise? Take what measures you can to make your day more pleasant and less stressful.

2. Get on a budget. Money, along withand perhaps connected towork, is another common cause of stress and anxiety. If money is causing your stress, initiate a spending freeze to help you locate the problem areas in your budget. Don't have a budget? Start one. Cut up your credit cards. Sell your car and take the bus. Pack your own lunch for work. It might not be pleasant, but it will help you feel empowered and in control instead of helpless and hopeless, and therefore stressed.

3. Cut off the toxic relationships in your life. Are your "friends" a source of anxiety to you? Do they frequently take advantage of you, or degrade you with negative comments? Do you find yourself feeling exhaustedemotionally drainedafter spending time with them? They may be the cause of your stress. Sit down with them over lunch and explain, as gently as possible, that you need to de-stress. See if they are willing to help you. If not, they may not be such valuable friends after all.

4. Eat more healthily. Your weight and health may be underlying causes of your anxiety. Buy fruits and vegetables and cut them into snack-sized portions immediately when you return from the grocery store. Then store them at eye-level in your refrigerator. Make healthy food your go-to snacks, and watch your weight drop while your energy rises.

5. Exercise. Working out itself can be a wonderful reliever of stress. Try a punching bag for pent-up anger, or a long jog for time alone to work through your thoughts. The physical benefits will just be a bonus to the emotional strength you will gain by chiseling out some regular "you time" into your day.

After you've done these things, you will be more aware of your triggers. When you catch yourself clenching your jaw during the day, make a conscious effort to let goto relax. Engaging in affirming self-talk, like reminding yourself that some things are out of your control, can go a long way toward positive change. Take up yoga or meditation. Write in a journal or on a blog. Whatever you do, make sure it is something you want to do rather than feel obligated to doyou don't need more stress in your life.

Remember: teeth grinding may not be life-threatening, but its side effects can alter your physical and mental health, causing extreme discomfort in many aspects of your life. While there are a lot of things you can do to help yourself, in the end it is always best to consult a dentist, like Dr. Thorpe, for a targeted, professional solution to your problem.

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