subject: Instant Guide To Make Money Online [print this page] Instant Guide To Make Money Online Instant Guide To Make Money Online
Instant Guide To Make Money Online
How To Get Started
This section will cover:
Introduction to the program
Definition of a Product Promoter
Examples of what Product Promoters do
What does the Promoter Designer Pro?
How you are going to Make Money with this
First off, congratulations!... You have just made the first step towards changing your life, making more money, securing financial freedom, and the best part -- being the person that shots the shots -- your own boss!
Now let's not waste anytime to making you the next at home success! To get started in your new at home business you need to know what you are doing. That's where we are going to start.
There is not one company that does not appreciate new customers, frankly that's what keeps them in business. Almost all of these companies are willing to share parts of their revenue with the person who brings them new customers. The company refers to these individuals as "Product Promoters".
Now think about the last time you told one of your friends to shop somewhere. Maybe they had a nice product or a sale going on. What ever the case was did that company give you money for telling your friend to shop there? We both know the answer is no but after today if your asked that same question again the answer will be YES!
There are tons of companies that allow people to promote their products. Our system will train you on where to get your "Promote Promoter" accounts (for free!). This will allow you to begin promoting these companies and earning commissions!
You will first need to sign up for free at each Product Promoting network in order to promote a certain company's products.
After the network accepts you as a Product Promoter, you will be able to use an easy to navigate list to view different products and services that you may promote. For each product or service, you will be paid a different amount of commission for refering a sale to the company. You may promote any of the products you find on the network. It is totally your choice as to what you are promoting.
To name just a few products and companies that you could promote: Walgreen's, Sony, Yahoo, Dell, Ross Simions, Home Depot,, Home Shopping Network, Travelocity, HP, eHarmony, Expedia and TONS more!
So you can see the limitless possibilities of all the places that you can promote! Now imagine when you are talking to friends and family... you can get PAID to refer products to them!
However, we all know that we will run out of friends and family sooner or later... Now take into account that you can use the Internet and meet tons of people... and refer these people to products!
You are literally going to be a sales commission earning machine!
But before we get too excited... there are some technological savvy requirements to do this. BUT THIS IS WHY our state of the art Promoter Designer Pro was designed!
We have eliminated the need for you to be technology savvy! Anyone can make money online if they have basic computing skills.
So go ahead... be excited! You're going to be able to make money online without the need to know fancy computer stuff!
What Won't I Need?
Advanced computer skills
Programming lingo
Confusing HTML codes
Proficiency with Social Networks
Previous online marketing experience
What is the Promoter Designer Pro?
The Promoter Designer Pro is a state of the art, all in one:
Video Training Center
Social Network Marketing Training Center
Point and Click Website Designer
Redundant website hosting
Product Promoter System
How Does the Promoter Designer Pro Help Me?
Most people encounter three problems when promoting products online:
Lack of customers/people they know
Trying to have the wrong people buy a product (untargeted customers)
No website or no website programming skills
The Promoter Designer Pro will teach you step by step, using video training tutorials, how to attract people to the products you're promoting. You'll find that after you exhuast your small network of friends and family, you'll need additional people to refer to products. Our innovative training will teach you how to build your Social Networking profiles so that you can learn how to promote these products online. Our training covers in depth material, such as demographic targeting. This allows you to learn how to attract and find people who are interested in the products that you are referring. This creates a very easy sale!
The last, if not biggest problem is that people do not have a website. The Promoter Designer Pro has a point and click, easy to use website design. This allows you to create new webpages for your products with ease. Our redudant webhosting ensures that your potential referral customers can always reach your always.
Why do I need a Website?
When you become a Product Promoter, the company who you are promoting products for will provide you with advertising materials. This material, called creatives, usually contains images of the product, pre-made graphics that you may use, and other product related material.
However, the company does not provide a website or anywhere for you to put this material.
In order for you to earn commission, you need to place these creatives on a website. Now, you can go through the hassle of contacting a domain registrar and buying a domain name, finding a reliable (and secure) webhost, learn HTML programming, figure how to use this "FTP" stuff make changes.... this list could go on and on.
Or, you could just use the Promoter Designer Pro which handles all of the hassles for you.
You will be able to create and have a website online in minutes using the Promoter Designer Pro. The Promoter Designer Pro was built to design websites for Product Promoters with ease. You will be able to easily add the creatives for your product into the Promoter Designer Pro and have your website online in minutes.
Making Money Basics & Getting Started as a Promoter
What Exactly am I doing?
Signing up to be a Product Promoter at various Product Promoting networks
Find products within the Product Promoting networks to promote
Create a webpage for the product using the Product Designer Pro
Find people on Social Networks that need or want to buy these products
Refer these people to your Product's Webpage
Earn commission on the sale!
Repeat steps 4-6
Where do I Find Items to Promote?
In the next section, we will teach you how to join a "Promoter Network". To join these networks it is completely free. The reason they exist is to serve as a "middle man" between the product promoters and companies. They also allow you to promote an extremely large selection of products, without having to deal with a bunch of different people. You can easily promote hundreds of companys and get checks from just one Promoter Network. Once you have created your account at the promoter network you will have thousands of items that you can choose to promote.
Why do I need a Website?
When you become a Product Promoter, the company who you are promoting products for will provide you with advertising materials. This material, called creatives, usually contains images of the product, pre-made graphics that you may use, and other product related material.
However, the company does not provide a website or anywhere for you to put this material.
In order for you to earn commission, you need to place these creatives on a website. Now, you can go through the hassle of contacting a domain registrar and buying a domain name, finding a relible (and secure) webhost, learn HTML programming, figure how to use this "FTP" stuff make changes.... this list could go on and on.
Or, you could just use the Promoter Designer Pro which handles all of the hassles for you.
You will be able to create and have a website online in minutes using the Promoter Designer Pro. The Promoter Designer Pro was built to design websites for Product Promoters with ease. You will be able to easily add the creatives for your product into the Promoter Designer Pro and have your website online in minutes.
Who Pays Me?
You will be paid by the promoter network. This makes collecting your earnings very convenient. You will be able to promote as many different products as you would like and be paid all at once, by one company.
When do I Get Paid?
The date at which you will get paid for your sales are different with each promoter network. They normally are either: weekly, bi-weekly or monthly.
There is usually a minimum amount that you need to earn in order to be paid. These minimums are normally anywhere from $0-$100. The reason for this is that the promoter network does not want to be sending out a ton of checks each week for only $1.00 or $2.00. If you do not reach the minimum payout amount, you will not lose that money, it will simply roll over to the next week until you reached the minimum requirement. Once you have reached the minimum, you will be paid the full amount the following pay period.
How do I Get Paid?
Each promoter network offers their promoters different pay options. The most common pay options are the following: Check, Paypal, Direct Deposit/Wire Transfer.
The promoter networks may also have other options, but the above are the most common.
Now you know what it means to be a promoter, what you can promote, and how you make money promoting. The next step is becoming a registered promoter. Click Here
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