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Various Methods of Teeth Whitening Uncovered!

Various Methods of Teeth Whitening Uncovered!

Nowadays, with a wide and various array of tooth whitening methods available, whitening your teeth has never been more accessible. Dreaming of a white smile you say? Well, before considering any teeth whitening treatments, make an appointment with one of the Whitby dentists to make sure your oral health is at its optimal. Stains on the surface of your enamel will need to be irradiated for high-end results. You will then be considered ready to take action. However

Is tooth whitening right for you?

Tooth whitening solutions were unfortunately not made for everyone. Here are some of the particular issues that would prevent you from using one:

Teeth that have restorations, such as veneers or having been bonded with white fillings, are unable to be whitened by hydrogen or even carbamide peroxide, as these chemicals cannot whiten above the color there were originally. These types of restoration colors were determined by the neighboring teeth. If those nighboring teeth are whitened, the will appear whiter than the restoration ones, which will lead to a very artificial smile. The solution that Whitby dentists recommend, in that case resides in treating the restorations prior to initiate a teeth whitening procedure.

Another problem that has to be considered is that teeth that have been root-canalled or that has internal stained discolorations will probably not be affected by typical methods. Again, werecommend permanent restoration before doing anything else.

If you have naturally brown or gray teeth, the produced results may turn into undesirable ones. Teeth whitening are typically designed for yellowish-turning tooth.

Research lack of results to determine if using teeth whitening products during pregnancy is safe for the fetus or even the new-born that is breast-fed. Whitby dentists suggest avoiding these treatments is you are concerned with one of these two circumstances.

There is also a chance of increasing tooth sensitivity, if you previously suffered from hypersensitive teeth. Avoid teeth whitening at all costs.

How Are Teeth Whitened?

The first layer of the teeth, known as enamel, is actually partly lucid. The second layer of the teeth, known as dentin classically appears yellow, but can also have a brown or hued gray tone that can tend to black. This is the color of your teeth that will appear the most, as the enamel, like mentioned earlier, is half-transparent. Typically, in order to obtain whiter teeth, the enamel is given a peroxide solution, which successfully unties the pores of this layer, thus permitting the solution to reach the second layer. Afterwards, the peroxide will normally lighten this second layer (dentin).

Tooth whitening products freely available on the market will promote one thing and one thing only: noticeable results, which is why Whitby dentists recommend professional in-office whitening, professional take-home whitening or over-the-counter whitening products, which remains the most effective method of obtaining a brighter, whiter smile.

Having foot to earth expectations, when analyzing the final results of your actions, is rather essential. Also, keep in mind that your teeth will continue to naturally get stains from certain food and beverages and tobacco-related product usage. Please do not forget to brush and floss daily, and make regular visit with one of the Whitby dentists for regular cleaning and examination.

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