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subject: How to keep your teeth clean and white for $30-40 in year [print this page]

How to keep your teeth clean and white for $30-40 in year

How to keep your teeth clean and white for $30-40 in year and feel great

I like strong tea and sometimes can drink it all day around, so no surprise that yellow teeth, stains and calculus became lately my big problem. I've spent a lot of money for regular, deep teeth cleaning.I'vetried to cut cost by traveling to Mexico, which is 60 miles from my city and they do great one hour cleaning just for $30-40, but situation there has been deteriorated in last couple of years and now it's quite easy to loose there all your teeth or even more.

So I started looking for a new, sufficient and cheapest way to clean and may be whitening my teeth so I won't be forced to spend every year $100-140 for quality teeth cleaning and many hundreds for whitening in dental offices. I wasn't trying to create any new substances and I was using and checking out only teeth cleaning & whitening items freely available at drug and food stores. I don't have any medical degree and no knowledge in dental areas, so I was just a regular guy looking for a reasonable solution, but my MS in physics was helpful in the planning and performing this research.

I'vetried different whitening toothpastes, teeth whitening substances from Scope, Act, Crest and many more without much success.They helped for sure to remove or discolor fresh stains, but didn't remove heavy brown calculus, yellow teeth. After wide Internet researches and many, many tests I've found my magic recipe, which made my teeth perfectly clean and look naturally as they should.

Now I can spend around $30-40 for an year and have my teeth spotless, naturally white and healthy. So how it's happened? First of all I've noticed that Crest whitening rinse is a quite effective softening solution for heavy stains and brown calculus on my teeth.

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