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subject: Diabetes Problems And Diabetes Treatment [print this page]

Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use Insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed, in the body, to control the rate at which sugar, starch and other food are converted into glucose required as energy for daily life. The hormone is produced and released into the blood by an organ called 'Pancreas'. This insulin help to maintain the blood glucose level within a normal range.

In health, despite several demands for glucose in different situations, the blood glucose rarely exceeds this value. The activity can come from a variety of sources throughout the day: walking to the bus stop in the morning, taking the stairs at work, or running errands.

Physical activity helps to reduce risk of Type 2 Diabetes two different ways. The first, Physical activity often reduces bodyweight. Overweight is related to a higher risk of diabetes, so losing weight cuts risk. Secondly, physical activity improves insulin sensitivity, allowing the body to make better use of its own insulin.

Just as the disease has different degrees of severity, there are also different people with different needs trying to cope with the illness. You are a unique individual and how you live your life is different to how your uncle John may live his life. Yet, both of you have diabetes and both of you have special needs. Uncle John may be concerned that he can no longer play a good game of golf you may be dealing with how to get up in the morning without feeling ill.

People with Diabetes may have complications with wound healing, may have higher risk of infections, and may suffer damage to the kidneys, nerves, and heart. Certain enzymes needed to repair wounds contain zinc, an essential mineral to repair wounds, maintain fertility, help cells reproduce, preserve vision, boost immunity, and protect against free radicals, among other functions. Vitamins C and E, and phytonutrients in Bilberry, all antioxidants, prevent damage to the nerves, eyes, and heart.

Type two Diabetes runs in families, and is particularly common among people of African Caribbean or Asian origin people. Beside from taking drugs, the person should also get into an exercise program and eat right. A dietitian can help make a good meal plan while the doctor can recommend the kind of workouts one will be able to engage in depending on the individuals sex, age and weight.

When you are first diagnosed with diabetes, you will be educated on how the disease affects your body. Part of this education will be how to minimize this by eating the right foods. You will consult your doctor or a dietitian who will give you ideas on the types and quantities of food to eat. They will devise a meal plan that specifies the number of meals you should eat each day and when to eat them. The principle behind such a plan is the diabetic food pyramid that breaks down the type of foods you can eat and the portions sizes you should consume.

by: Dr. Mital John

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