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Buy Generic Cataflam online without a prescription

Buy Generic Cataflam online without a prescription

Buy Generic Cataflam online without a prescription

Cataflam Side Effects

There are a number of potential side effects with Cataflam. Some of the medicine's common side effects include dizziness, constipation, anemia, and abdominal pain (or stomach pain). There are also some side effects that you should report to your healthcare provider immediately, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, slurred speech, and weakness on one part of your body. Rare side effects (occurring in less than 1 percent of people who take the medicine) include anxiety, dry mouth, and blurred vision, among other things.

Cataflam Side Effects: An Introduction

As with any medicine, there are possible side effects with Cataflam (diclofenac potassium). However, not everyone who takes Cataflam will have problems. In fact, most people tolerate Cataflam well. When people do develop side effects, in many cases they are minor, meaning they require no treatment or are easily treated by you or your healthcare provider.

(The Cataflam side effects discussed below are not a complete list of side effects reported with Cataflam. Your healthcare provider can discuss a more complete list of side effects with you.)

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Common Side Effects of Cataflam

Cataflam has been studied extensively in clinical trials, with thousands of people worldwide having been evaluated. In these studies, side effects are always documented and usually compared to those that occur in a similar group of people taking a placebo (a "sugar pill" with no active ingredients). This way, it is possible to see what side effects occur, how often they appear, and how they compare to the group taking the placebo. Based on these studies, the most common Cataflam side effects include:

Abdominal pain (or stomach pain)



Heartburn or indigestion (dyspepsia)


Unexplained bleeding

An ulcer in the stomach or intestines (peptic ulcer)






An increase in liver enzymes



Unexplained rash

Ringing in the ears (tinnitus).

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