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subject: Home-Based Business Advice For the Start-Up Entrepreneur - 5 Things You Cannot Ignore [print this page]

Home-Based Business Advice For the Start-Up Entrepreneur - 5 Things You Cannot Ignore

Home-Based Business Advice For the Start-Up Entrepreneur - 5 Things You Cannot Ignore

The internet has made it easier than ever to set up your own home-based business but the internet is also littered with thousands of abandoned websites and blogs. Just because you set up online doesn't mean you will not end up as a statistic like many other unsuccessful businesses out there.

The purpose of the article is to share with home-based business owners some advice that can help them set up their business and have it be successful. If you think about the 5 tips I mention below and actually go out of your way to implement them then you will be well on your way to success.

Don't describe yourself in terms of other businesses- One of the stupidest statements that I hear, regularly, is from the entrepreneur who describes their business in term of another business- I've lost count of the times that I have heard something described as "the next Facebook." There is no next Facebook; you are not going to beat them. You need to come up with your own idea and your own description of your business

Laser target your business- You need to laser target your business and your target audience. You cannot be everything to everyone- the Costco's of the world are already there and they have a big marketing budget that you cannot compete with. You need to be really specific about what you do and who you do it for.

Be a facilitator- You can also make very good money acting as a facilitator- helping other people do what they need to do. For example, instead of being "the next Facebook," you could be the company that helps businesses set up effective Facebook fan pages.

Do something you love- You only have one life. Don't waste it. The internet has meant that there are now endless opportunities to do something you love and get paid for it. Just take a look at Gary Vaynerchuck and his Wine TV show.

You are going to have to work- Success comes to those that are prepared to put in the effort. Work out exactly what it is that you want to do and just go out and do it. If you are constantly procrastinating maybe you aren't doing the right thing. Success requires hard work and you may as well work on something you love. To start off with you should do your day job and work on your passion at night.

If you are going to start your own home-based business you may as well do it right. Follow the tips that I have m

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