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Online Home Business Marketing Ideas at Almost No Cost

Online Home Business Marketing Ideas at Almost No Cost

Your home business needs marketing, just like any business. If you don't tell people you exist, they can't find you to use your services or buy your products. Many home business owners shy away from marketing because they believe it will cost them too much. This is not necessarily the case, particularly if you concentrate on online marketing methods to promote your business.

Whether you are selling hand-knitted clothing or a digital product through an affiliate program, you will need your own website. You don't need to be an expert though, and you don't have to hire one either. You can build a website, with a bit of guidance, by yourself. There are many sites on the internet that allow you to build a website using their templates and expertise. Many blog sites have this facility, so all you need to do is register your domain name and arrange hosting - which you can do for under $10 a year!

Once you start creating your website, you will need content. You can use articles written by other people - as long as you give them credit - or you can write the content yourself. Writing your own content helps you build a relationship with your prospective customers, as they get to know you through your website. You don't need a PhD in English - in fact, a more conversational tone that conveys your passion about the topic is more likely to attract customers.

Now you need to get people to visit your site. This means making use of several free tools available on the internet that will allow you to publicise your site and your home business. These include:

1. Starting a Blog This is a great avenue for you, as a home business owner, to share your passion about what you do, give tips and advice related to the service you provide, or talk about the product you are selling. A blog is not a great place to try and sell, sell, sell, but it is a great way to attract attention to your website.

2. Article Marketing Writing articles that provide useful information, new ideas or insight into a topic related to your home business will encourage readers of your articles to visit your site. These articles can be submitted to article directories across the web. Articles are also useful for creating backlinks to your site, moving you up in the search results.

3. Join Forums If your business serves a particular target market, you should join and participate on online forums. Again, this is not where you sell your products or services - it's where you make valid, informative comments and posts to help people who may be in need of the service you provide. Forums are also great for finding out what people are looking for in your particular market sector, and a good place to get ideas for future article topics.

4. Email Marketing Make sure that your website has a place where visitors can get in touch with you, ideally via email. Create a database of all the email addresses you have received, and send newsletters, press releases, or just a few tips, to your subscribers. A great way to encourage subscribers on your website is to offer something for free - a whitepaper, report, ebook, free consultation, free sample or coupon will encourage visitors to sign up to your list.

5. Social Media Create a Facebook Fan Page, join Linked In, Tweet regularly - social media may seem to be too frivolous for business, but there are millions of people making contact with potential customers every day on social media sites.

All of the above suggestions will not cost you money. They will cost you time, however, and you may start out spending a lot of it setting all these activities up and working out a schedule. As f

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