subject: Christmas Coloring Pages Santa | Christmas Tree Uutline [print this page] Christmas Coloring Pages Santa | Christmas Tree Uutline
Christmas memories are some of our fondest, most heartwarming ones. So of course we want to preserve them in our scrapbook albums. However, when the hustle and bustle of the holiday season is upon us, we may forget to take particular photos or save certain memorabilia. To help you remember, below is a list of Christmas memories and keepsakes you'll want to capture in your scrapbook album.
Cutting Down the Tree
For those who get their trees from a tree farm, cutting down the tree is a favorite Christmas activity. Take pictures of the tree before, during and after the cutting. Journal about who picked out the tree, where you got the tree and what the weather was like that day.
Trimming the Tree
Whether your tree is real or artificial, trimming the tree is a special event. Take pictures of the tree in various stages of being decorated. Include people hanging their favorite ornaments, putting on the star or angel, and posing with the fully decorated and lit tree.
Deck the Halls
In addition to the tree, you probably have lots of other Christmas decorations throughout the house. Take photos of the foyer, staircase, dining room or any other room you've spruced up for the holidays. If you have outdoor displays and lights, remember to take pictures of them, too.
We all have our own Christmas traditions such as baking cookies, going caroling, or hosting the neighborhood party. Make sure to capture these special traditions with photos. Keep in mind that journaling is especially important when it comes to traditions. For example, include your family's cookie recipe or some of the words from a favorite Christmas carol.
Letters to Santa/Christmas Lists
If you have children who write Christmas lists and/or letters to Santa, make copies before mailing them so that they can be preserved in your scrapbook album. You, your children and your grandchildren will surely enjoy reading those letters together one day.
Twas the Night Before Christmas
Here are some ideas of what to take pictures of on Christmas Eve: the family dinner; a gathering of family and friends; everyone dressed in their "Sunday best" for Christmas Eve mass; stockings hung by the chimney with care; snack/drink/note left for Santa and his reindeer. If Santa leaves the note behind, remember to save it for the scrapbook album.
Christmas Morning
If you have young children Christmas morning can be quite chaotic, and it may not be easy to get certain shots. Some to try for are: the kids coming down the stairs and/or into the room with the tree; the tree before all the gifts go flying; the full stockings hanging by the fireplace; everyone with his/her favorite gift; the family breakfast.
Christmas Visiting
Whether you're traveling over the river and through the woods or hosting at home, it's hard to get pictures of everyone you're celebrating with. Try for a whole group photo (if the group's not too big) or break it down into smaller groups: the grandparents with the grandchildren; the grandparents with their own children; the men/boys; the women/girls; three or more generations; a photo of each family. Remember to include everyone's name in your journaling.
Christmas Card and Newsletter
Particularly if your Christmas card has a picture of your family or children on it, be sure to put it in your scrapbook album. You may also want to include any special cards you received for example, a baby's first Christmas card from Grandma and Grandpa. And if you write an annual newsletter to send out with your Christmas cards, put a copy of the newsletter in your scrapbook album as well.
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