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Kleeneze. A Work From Home Business For Couples

Kleeneze. A Work From Home Business For Couples

Plenty of singletons have an excellent Kleeneze business, and so it's not vital that you're part of a couple before you start a Kleeneze business. However, if you are part of a couple, and you want to start up a work from home business, then Kleeneze could be your perfect choice. Here's a few reasons why...1. You will be getting support from team mates who understand that starting a business can be uncomfortable.2. There are different aspects to running a Kleeneze business and each partner can specialise in different areas. For instance, I concentrate on bringing in new team members whilst my husband, Mark, runs the retail side of the business and supports the new guys as they start their own retail business.3. There's loads of good fun to share. Meetings and get-togethers as well as foreign conferences. We're working right now to qualify for the Hong Kong conference in November.4. You can spend time together if that's what you want. Or, rather bizarrely, the business can also support you getting a bit of independent time apart, whilst still sharing and working towards your common goal.Kleeneze is primarily a direct selling business. Glossy catalogues are left with householders to let them choose from over 1500 products. As a distributor, you get the catalogues to the customers.Distributors can also decide at any time to build a team by showing others how to be a distributor. As a team leader, the retail figures of your team are combined with your own effort to push you further up the bonus points system. It's a very simple concept.And one last point. If you are part of a couple, then life becomes so much easier when your partner is on board and in the business with you. That's true for many things we decide to do, but with Kleeneze it seems to be especially difficult to keep going when you have a moaning minny behind your back with plentiful "I told you so's," every time something goes wrong. And it will go wrong, because no business can run at 100% perfection.My personal view is that it's the fear of the unwilling partner about the potential for change. A successul business means more money; more freedom and choice. New colleagues and team mates can mean time away from home and having fun, leaving the partner at home all on their lonesome. Unfortunately, the partner committed to knocking it back will, without too much hunting, find loads of ammunition online posted by people busy laying into Kleeneze and claiming that it doesn't work.And a bit about that 'it doesn't work' thing. It does work. It's been working for 87 years. Many distributors and team leaders have been with Kleeneze for over 20 years. How would they make a living over 20 years if it didn't work?When you work at the Kleeneze system you will get caught in the rain; you need to curb your TV watching and create more time to run your business, and you need to do things (like talk to people on the telephone and the doorstep) which make many people uncomfortable. Kleeneze is a serious business and like any business, challenges need to be met. If you don't do the stuff you don't fancy, and you don't meet the challenges, then you won't make it work for you.If you want a work from home business for couples, then Kleeneze is a good place to start. Even if you decide not to join, you will have set a benchmark and got a few ideas to move forward with.

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