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If Ovulation Has Already Happened, Is to Too Late To Get Pregnant? Can I Still Conceive?

If Ovulation Has Already Happened, Is to Too Late To Get Pregnant? Can I Still Conceive?

I often hear from women who believe that they have just ovulated and who worry that it's not too late to have intercourse in an attempt to conceive. Often, they are feeling some cramping and they assume this means ovulation has arrived. Or, they've actually used an ovulation predictor and have gotten a positive result. However they have determined that ovulation has taken place, they are most concerned about whether they can still become pregnant or if they will have to wait until the next month since their fertility window has passed. I will discuss this more in the following article and will also talk about how this time frame might affect your baby's gender.

So, If You've Ovulated, Can You Still Become Pregnant Or Conceive?: First of all, I often tell people who have this question to make absolutely certain that they are right about their suspicions. Sometimes, cramping doesn't always mean ovulation. It could mean that it's approaching and it could mean something else entirely. Sometimes, when I tell people this, they tell me that they aren't going to bother to test because it's mid day and they can't use early morning urine. This doesn't mean you can't test. You can use a saliva predictor, which I often find to be more accurate anyway. But, let's say you've used both ovulation prediction methods and you know that your egg has already been released.

This doesn't mean that you are too late in your fertility window to become pregnant. Sure, you have lost some available days, but it's said that your egg can survive for as many as 2 days after it's released. And a man's sperm has an even longer shelf life, sometimes surviving for as much as 3 days or 72 hours. So, there is still hours or even sometimes days following ovulation where you can conceive or become pregnant. There is no reason to just give up and wait a month if you suspect that you have ovulated. Of course, if you have a preference as to your baby's gender, then this might come into play, which I'll discuss now.
If Ovulation Has Already Happened, Is to Too Late To Get Pregnant? Can I Still Conceive?

Am I More Likely To Have A Girl Or A Boy Baby If I Conceive After Ovulation?: Your baby's gender is influenced by many factors including timing, the mother's acidity and PH and the sexual positions that are used. But, I often tell couples who are trying for a boy baby that it's actually a good idea to wait until ovulation before attempting to conceive or get pregnant. The reason for this is that the boy producing or Y sperm are not nearly as long lived as the girl producing sperm.

So, they can't really afford to wait for your egg without being compromised. By waiting until after you've ovulated to have intercourse, you're ensuring that they are strong and new through your timing. Sometimes this is deliberate and sometimes you sort of luck into this situation. But, timing is not the only issue to worry about. If you really want a boy, then it's advisable to make sure your PH is alkaline rather than acidic because this is another advantage to the boy producing sperm and every little bit counts.
If Ovulation Has Already Happened, Is to Too Late To Get Pregnant? Can I Still Conceive?

But, what if you want a girl baby and you have already ovulated? Well, you can wait until the next month, and you can try again when you are sure that you are acidic and have about 3 or so days before the next time you ovulate. Of course, some people don't have a preference as to their baby's gender. In this case, it's my opinion and experience that it's not too late to get pregnant after ovulation.

I've put together a few websites that take a lot of the guess work out of getting pregnant or choosing your baby's gender. You'll find: resources for douche recipes and food PH lists; step by step instructions; resources for determining ovulation times (and examples of good PH and ovulation predictors;)information on when to conceive; and support.

If you want a boy baby, check out

If you want a girl baby, check out

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