subject: High Risk Life Insurance For Final Expenses [print this page] High Risk Life Insurance For Final Expenses
The high risk life insurance market place has been an underserved market for many years. Most insurance carriers prefer to insure low risk clients for obvious reasons. There are several life insurance carriers that are very aggresive in the final expense market place. The primary objective in obtaining lifeinsurance is to indemnify your loved one upon death. The severity of your condition matters only to most traditional insurance carriers that do not serve the high risk life insurance market place. If you have a terminal illness, or were recently diagnosed with a medical condition, you may also have news from your current life insurance carrier that you do not qualify to renew your current policy. If you need burial coverage, which almost everyone at a minimum needs, you need to speak with an agent that has your best interest in mind. Often times agents will tell you "your uninurable" or try and sell a higher priced policy then you actually need. If someone told you that your uninsurable you need to get away from that agent and work with someone that is willing to work with you to find you the coverage you need. There really is no such thing as uninsurable. There is always a carrier that is willing to write your case. Finding the right agent and right policy is like finding the proverbial "needle in a hey stack".
The reality is most agents dont want to be bothered writing a $10,000-$25,000 policy because its not profitable for the agent. There are plenty of companies that are willing to write your case, you just need to find one, and get on the phone with that agent/agency as soon as possible. Life insurance is not a commidity, it is a neccesity for all families regardless of income. The other issue we see clients having is a past criminal history. While its true most carriers will not issue a policy to someone on probabtion. A true guaranteed issue life insuranceproduct will issue a policy regarless of criminal history. The underwriting guidlinesfor each life insurance carrieris different. Call an experienced, high risk life insurance agent to help navigate the complexities of your case.
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