What are you worth?
This is the very question you should ask yourselfif you are in Network Marketing. As a MLM trainer and coachI talk with a lot of people who do not know their self worth. Whether you know it our not each of us carries within us a mental blueprint or picture of ourselves. This self image is our concept of the kind of person we are. It has been created from beliefs about ourselves. However , most of the beliefs about ourselves when is comes to having a successful network marketing MLM business have unconsciously been formed from past experiences, our MLM success or failures, ournetwork marketing humiliations and triumphs, and the way others have reacted toward us especially during our mlm trainingperiod ,is the major cause of a positive or negative view about ourselves.
Top MLM Money Earners Mind-Set is different from the people who are in the 97% income bracket.The reasonfor theTop 3% MLM Money earners success is they have a much higher self -image about who they are and what they want.I amreminded of the book "As a Man Think so is He" by James Allen
Your self-image becomes a golden spoon to living a rich life. Because of two important discoveries:
First, all of ouractions abilities, feelings and behavior are consistent with yourNetwork Marketingself-image. You act like the sort of person you perceive yourself to be. The man who perceives him self to be a failure will find some way to fail. In spite all the good intentions, even if opportunity is place in his lap. TheNetwork Marketingrep who views himself to be a victim of societywill invariably find circumstances to verify his opinions.
Second, the Network Marketing self image can be changed. It has been proving you are never too old or young to change ones self-image.
I used to think that it was onlyI who was filled with doubts and fear that I alone lacked confidence with my Network Marketing Business. While trying to overcome my fears on network marketing,I discovered that we have the ability to reach greatness. Yet many of us die before we ever reaching that greatness, Its time to develop a MLM Top Money Earner Mind-Set a new and truer vision of ourselves; time to discoveryour individual uniqueness.
Protect Your Mind
"Garbage in garbage out" is a clich of our times. Everyday you are exposed to information that you must process and respond to, millions of pieces of information fed into your mind. The secret of MLM Top Money Earners Mind-set is their ability to transcribe this information correctly. In the Network Marketing Business it is very important to keep a positive mental attitude. The most successful MLM business owners understand the importance of guarding their mind against negative information. You must stand guard on your mind. Beware of the people you associate with because they will have a direct impact on your success or failure in your mlm business.
Learn to protect your mind! Your environment and well-meaning family and friends combine with events of your day to strongly influence the manner in which you view yourself. Whether you realize it or not you are being influenced for the positive or negative self-image. The more positive the self image the better equipped you are to cope with your network marketing business and lives adversity; the more resilient you become, the more you are able to withstand outside forces.
See Yourself as You will One day Become
What do you think and feel about yourself?
Do you like who you are?
When you look in the mirror, do you see a person that you will one day become?
Answer these three questions and understand what ever your answer you can change your self image . Below are 5 important tools to access the MLM Top Money Earners Mind-Set
Make a list of at least ten positive attributes you possess. Be generous but honest.
Know that in order for you to succeed, you need only to believe in yourself.
Repeat positive affirmations to yourself with conviction- Be enthusiastic, act enthusiastic!
For more info and on How to become a Top Money Earner
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