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subject: Ladies fancy dress why its more fun to be a girlie than ever before [print this page]

Ladies fancy dress why its more fun to be a girlie than ever before

Ladies fancy dress allows women to go back to their childhood. Remember those days of dressing up in your bedroom with friends? Hours spent looking through your mother's things and older sisters cast offs. Most girls from the age of seven or eight upward love the business of dressing up experimenting with clothes and make up, shoes and accessories. It's hardly surprising that fancy dress is so popular amongst women when they grow up or at least have to pretend to grow up.

Moulin Rouge fancy dress allows women to show their wild side. You might not be able to do the cancan yourself but you can always look as if you're just about to. Ever since the film of the same name starring Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor hit the screens this look has been popular as a choice for ladies fancy dress.

Pirate outfits are another look which is naughty but nice and the chances of any guy preparing to repeal this invasion and demanding that these miscreants walk the plank are minimal. Ready to board? I'll say! On the other hand, what about something from a nursery rhyme? Little Red Riding Hood never looked sexier - and more likely to attract wolves and wolf whistles from all around. The army look is popular for women, especially since Cristina Aguillera created a funked up forties look for her videos. These cadets would fail an inspection probably but would certainly be the best when it comes to attacking a party and defending their honour.

Women can really let themselves go with a police fancy dress look that would have any motorist begging to be called over and breathalysed. During the week you might be a lawyer in a severe suit or mother wearing comfortable, practical clothing but with a little imagination and some help from a good supplier of ladies fancy dress you can express your inner wild child.

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