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Online Poker Staking Tips - How To Avoid The Worst Online Mistake

Online Poker Staking Tips

Its easy to make this online poker staking mistake, and many players do it without even realising. Its crucial you avoid this massive blunder when playing poker online or else you could lose a lot of money, and you don't want to lose money right?

No matter who you are - whether you are just starting to play online poker, have been playing poker for a while or are so experienced you could be writing your own online poker staking tips, I'm sure that you, like me, want to make money playing poker online. Thats why its worth your team reading this tips article and uncovering the biggest online poker staking mistake.

With the massive amount of information available on the Internet its never been easier to become successful at poker. It doesn't require thousands of hours of practice time, massive bankrolls or complex strategies. Just by avoiding a few simple mistakes, you too can make money playing poker.

If You're Not Successul, It's Not Your Fault

In fact, if you aren't currently experiencing the ravaging success that you desire, if you are losing a bunch of money playing online poker it probably isn't even your fault. It likely has nothing to do with you. If the humungous amount of information crammed down your throat every day has left you more confused then ever, take a deep breath and relax. Let us both take aim at the major issue here. We'll nail down the biggest problem in this single article. And with this information we can work miracles. First, we must clear the air.

The Biggest Online Poker Staking Mistake

The biggest mistake you can make when staking in poker online is using the 'Advanced Action' facility. This is the area or tab that allows you to make moves like Bet, Check, Call, Raise, Fold, Call Any, Raise Any etc. before its your turn. It essentially queues your move so when it is in fact your turn your move is automatically made. Even if you know what move you are going to make do not use this function.

The 'Advanced Action' tab is a nice feature because it speeds up play. If you know that your going to call then you can just hit call and it will automatically do it for you when its your turn. You don't have to wait till it's your turn to make your decision and click. Its all the same if you want to fold or raise.

Why This Feature Is Counter-Productive

There are tells that you need to be aware of to be successful in poker online. One of the 'Advanced Action' tabs is Raise Any. When you're planning to raise a pot no matter what anyone else does - say you have a full house - you could click this Raise Any button. However, when you do this, observant players will recognize that you have a big hand because you didn't take any time to make your move.

This is one of the biggest tells in poker and is the single biggest way that good poker players guage what types of cards other players have. They can't see you face to face to read your body language but they can still assess your actions and reactions. Have you ever been in a poker game online and thought 'Jeez, it seems as this guy knows what I have every time!'

Just imagine all the possible ways this information can be useful to you. By reading this online poker staking tips article you now know one of the best ways to gauge what cards other players have plus you know how to avoid the biggest online poker staking mistakes.

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