subject: Teach Kids about Recycling: it is not only fun, it will Save the Earth too! [print this page] Teach Kids about Recycling: it is not only fun, it will Save the Earth too!
It is common knowledge that children are the hope of our future. And educating them this early about saving the planet will benefit the entire world. I take on this belief by teaching my own son to be responsible for the environment. And I must admit that we are both having fun learning new things as we both explore the world of recycling. This is the reason I believe that we parents should take it upon ourselves to teach kids about recycling because it will definitely save our planet. Here are some tips on ways how to encourage our children to be more involved with saving our planet.
Recycling is the most basic lesson you should teach your child about arresting environmental issues. Why so, you may ask? Well, it is simply because recycling is fairly easy to follow. You just need to teach your child to identify the items that can be recycled and teach him to segregate. You can even make trips to recycling centers a bonding moment.
You can also teach your kid to plant trees. Planting trees will help create more oxygen, which will alleviate the effects of global warming. I have tried doing this activity with my son and he was so excited as we plant a tree on our backyard. He waters the plant everyday and make sure that it gets enough sunshine. We also tried working on compost heap. He gathered some of the vegetable and fruit wastes gathered in our kitchen and together we buried them with some dried leaves. Our next project is to plant vegetables that we can both enjoy eating once it grows.
I also tried to teach my son how to ride the bike. I promised to take him for a walk or bike together to school. I am trying to teach him how to save on gas and carbon monoxide emission. I told him that if we both walk to school, we are going to become healthier because we can exercise and we are also helping our planet to breathe more fresh air.
We also tried a no TV or computer night. We played board games the whole night until we both got tired and sleepy. And then the following morning I explained to him that by not watching TV or playing computer games once a week, we are conserving on electricity.
These are only few of the things that we both enjoyed doing. We are just starting to explore living more green and we are enjoying it. I hope that with these helpful tips, you can also take time to be more creative and teach kids about recycling and other green ideas.
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